A.J. Moore High School kicks off its 16th Biennial Reunion with a luncheon for alumni veterans.
Press release
“Reunited and it feels so good!! This is the theme of this year’s 16th Biennial A. J. Moore High School Reunion (July 5, 6, & 7, 2019). A lot of planning has gone into making this year’s Reunion extra-special. We will celebrate the Golden Anniversaries of the Classes of 1968 and 1969 with a flair. In addition, all alumni veterans are invited to attend a lunch sponsored by several alumni and Jeff Hunter Toyota. There is no charge for alumni veterans who are registered for the Reunion. Already, more than 45 alumni veterans have registered for the luncheon.
Prior to the Alumni Veterans Luncheon there will be a business meeting where several elected civic leaders will greet alumni. Scholarships will be awarded to AJMHs legacy high school graduates.

In addition to coming together for the usual celebrating, cordiality, congratulating, and social meeting, alumni will have an opportunity to record their memories and reflections as part of an oral history project in collaboration with Baylor Oral History Department. This will be very important as it will add to contributions from others who lived and shared the AJMHS story. The school has been closed since 1971 and there are fewer voices left to share the legacy with each passing day. AJMHS alumni want the traditions, achievements, goals, and our voices to live on in recorded recollections.
On Friday, “Denim and Diamond” night, alumni will celebrate with a parade of classes from all years past, casino games, brunch, and awards to elected alumni civic leaders. On Saturday, “All White Unity Night,” alumni will celebrate with a banquet featuring Dr. Hazel Rowe, Interim Superintendent of Waco ISD. Music and dancing follows each night’s events.
Sunday morning begins with worship service and there will be a barbeque picnic that afternoon.
All events will take place in the Brazos Room at Waco Convention. For additional information visit our website.
A. J. Moore High School Alumni Association thanks everyone who is supporting this year’s Reunion. We want to send a special note of gratitude to Amy Hunter (Jeff-Hunter Toyota), Peter Kultgen (Bird-Kultgen Ford), Magnolia Market at The Silos, Ty White (Golden Corral), Dr. Pepper/Snapple Group, Awards Specialties, M & M Mars, Melvin Lipsitz (M. Lipsitz & Co.), Hilton Hotels and Resorts – Waco, and the City of Waco.