District IV Waco City Council vacancy filing process announced
The application filing period has begun for the District IV Waco City Council vacancy. It will end at 5 pm Tuesday, Jan. 3.

Eligible applicants must have resided in the City of Waco for 12 months and in District IV for at least six months. The City Council will interview applicants Tuesday, Jan. 10.
Vacant seats on City Council are filled by a majority vote of the remaining members for the unexpired term or until the next City general election. The oath of office for the appointee is planned for Jan. 17 during the City Council’s regular meeting.
Applications should be filed with the city secretary at 300 Austin Ave., first floor of City Hall. Contact the City Secretary’s Office 8 am-5 pm Monday-Friday at 254-750-5750 to schedule an appointment, or the applications can be scanned and emailed to citysecretary@wacotx.gov.