Clean and Safe Specialist
The Clean and Safe Specialist will help keep Downtown Waco a welcoming place.
Specifically, he/she will
- Welcome the public to downtown by offering assistance, answering questions and receiving feedback
- Provide a sense of safety by visibly patrolling the area wearing staff wear
- Visit and maintain positive relations with downtown merchants using a schedule and contact notes
- Report clean and safe issues, including but not limited to graffiti, bird messes, cracked or broken sidewalks, untidy or overgrown grass areas, excess trash, panhandling
- Assist in the resolution of clean and safe issues downtown, such as the above, by documenting the issues, collecting follow-up data, forwarding for action as necessary, and/or resolving directly
- Patrol time-limited parking zones to identify cars in violation of time-limited parking, document violations, and initiate appropriate action including a warning or violation notice as applicable
- Perform other duties as assigned
For more information contact [email protected] (3/12/2020)