Profile of High School Graduate

By Christine Holecek

The mission of the Heart of Texas P-20 Council is to assist with the collaboration of education, business, and community to maximize the utilization of resources, programs and services for all students while encouraging a culture of life-long learning. We envision that all students can reach their true potential as happy, healthy, productive and self-sufficient citizens.

We believe that achieving college and career readiness allows students to reach their fullest potential. Continual improvement of teaching and learning processes is a key ingredient to success. We also believe that the economic vitality of the region is interdependent, requiring the collaboration of education, business, and community resources.

Below is the HOT P-20 profile of a high school graduate. It is meant to encourage dialogue between students, teachers, counselors, parents and community members in planning for college career and beyond. The HOT P-20 Council, through the *AVATAR Project (a project that invites high school teachers/counselors to meet with Higher ed teachers/counselors to coordinate their work) has adopted this profile utilizing a document created by Waco ISD several years ago. This document provides talking points and suggestions. This document is a work in progress and will be updated annually as part of the HOT P-20 Regional Council strategic.

Profile of a High School Graduate

A responsible decision maker

  • Who uses creative problem-solving and conflict resolution kills effectively
  • Who uses critical thinking, knowledge and reasoning to effectively evaluate information and make sound decisions

A confident life-long learner

  •  Who demonstrates mastery of skills in the core content areas
  •  Who analyzes, evaluates, and applies new information
  •  Who is an inquisitive self-learner

A healthy individual

  •  Who practices emotional and physical wellness, including nutrition, hygiene, sexual responsibility, and physical fitness
  •  Who demonstrates responsible life management skills in social, interpersonal and family relationships
  •  Who manages time, money, environmental and other resources in a responsible and effective manner

A literate communicator

  •  Who is proficient in academic and technological skills
  •  Who effectively expresses ideas using a variety of methods, including written and spoken languages, mathematics, science and the arts
  • Who is multilingual
  • Who uses appropriate social and interpersonal skills to effectively communicate in a global society

An informed citizen

  • Who promotes democratic principles in a multicultural society
  •  Who demonstrates patriotism and citizenship through community service and participation in the democratic process
  •  Who understands, respects, and values all cultures

A productive worker

  • Who generates quality goods and services
  • Who demonstrates adaptability
  • Who practices a good work ethic
  •  Who demonstrates leadership and participation skills
  •  Who takes ownership of his/her future through goal setting, decision making, and efforts aimed at continual improvement

A well-rounded individual

  •  Who is guided by honorable values, morals, and ethics
  •  Who demonstrates an appreciation of, and participation in, the arts
  •  Who displays genuine global, cultural, and spiritual awareness and respect
  •  Who is accountable for his/her actions

If you would like to get involved in the conversation or join our initiatives contact our new chair for 2017-2018 school year, Dr. Scott McLanahan. He can be reached at Initiatives for 2017-2018 include Vertical Alignment (AVATAR project), Groundhog Job Shadow Day, Waco ISD/Prosper Waco Internship Program and the Annual State of Education Conference. For more information on the HOT P-20 council:

This Act Locally Waco blog post was written by Christine Holecek. Christine is an Education Specialist at Education Service Center Region 12 in Waco. She has worked in the area of Adult Education and Career & Technical Education for the past 25 years. She earned an AAS degree from MCC, a BAAS and Master’s Degree from the University of North Texas and is currently enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Tarleton State University.

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email for more information.

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