Acts Church puts resources to work in community
Editor: Act Locally Waco begins a new series of blog posts today — Faith Doing Good — about local religious entities working in the community. These pieces were written by Baylor University students from the Department of Journalism, Public Relations, and New Media.
By Dane Valdez
Acts Church Waco is a small, Baptist-affiliated place of worship embedded in an underserved neighborhood. David Booker and his wife, Kim, have been serving as lead pastors since they planted the church in 2007. Although the church’s congregation is small when compared to other popular churches in Waco, Acts Church is committed to using their resources to show God’s grace throughout the community.

The church has launched multiple initiatives to help those in need of financial assistance. The church runs a food pantry, operates an after-school children’s program, and even raises funds to buy vehicles and put down payments on homes for struggling members of the congregation.
“We feel that the Bible teaches that the church needs to be a light, especially with all the chaos and hate going on, the church needs to practice love in our own neighborhood and community,” David said. “If we are loving on people, hopefully they will be more willing to hear what we have to say. We are called to love on our community, to be the city on the hill, a place that people can run to for help.”
With over a quarter of Waco falling below the poverty line, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Acts Church’s mission to allocate a large portion of its financial resources to the community surrounding them shows their commitment to showing God’s love through acts of service. On their website, the church describes evangelism not as a ministry, but a way of life.
“I always just have to remember that God has unlimited resources and that anytime he wants to give us money to finish our building he’s fully capable of it,” Booker said. “So I think if we view man as our supplier, then we will start to see these gifts as sacrifices. But if we view God as our supplier, then we will keep it correct.”
Because Booker views giving to those in need as a biblical obligation, the church specifically designates funds to better the community and assist members of the church. Once a month, a “special offering” takes place. The money raised in these services is directed particularly to an act of service by the church, whether it be helping fund mission trips or supporting a church member in need.
“We are limited in our resources. We can’t help everyone, but I think again that’s why we try to really work with people and help them. And God is pretty faithful to provide in those types of ways,” Booker said.
Acts Church seeks to practice what it preaches by using its resources to bless others, which can be attributed not only to the church’s leadership, but also to the generosity of the congregation.

Dane Valdez is a Galveston freshman at Baylor University studying political science and journalism.
The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email Ferrell Foster at [email protected].