Caritas Fan Club

Summer is upon us and for many that also means facing stifling heat with inadequate air conditioning and/or wondering how to pay higher utility bills while keeping food on the table for their family.
Every summer, Caritas helps clients facing these realities by providing them with boxed fans and assisting with utility bills. Many of those we aid are elderly or disabled, and relief from the extreme heat can be lifesaving for them. We are also helping to supply food to families struggling to feed their children during the summer months, many of whom receive federal free and reduced breakfast and lunch during the school year. By becoming a member of the Caritas “Fan Club,” your gift allows us to provide fans plus utility assistance and food during the summer months for our most vulnerable community members.
Your gift of $20.00 will cover the cost of one box fan.
Your gift of $50.00 will allow us to purchase 125 pounds of food.
Your gift of $100.00 will aid a family in danger of losing their water service.
Your gift of $250.00 will aid a family in danger of losing their electric service.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of a gift. In addition, your employer may have a matching gift program. Contact your Human Resources department to ask about doubling your gift. Know that your kindness and generosity is appreciated by countless families in our community.
To make an online gift, please write “Fan Club” in the comments section.To make a gift via mail, please send a check or money order payable to Caritas of Waco to 300 South 15th Street, Waco, TX 76701. Please write “Fan Club” in the comments section.