Homecoming with the Baylor Ice Girls
Dozens of college students shuffle around tight corners of an overpacked shed, the twelve foot U Haul trailer filling the center of the space. Hockey players stand toward the trucks, heaving hot breaths into bright balloons, almost unrecognizable without jerseys, last names, and numbers. Ice Girls dance around the trailer, securing streamers to bare railings. Photos are snapped, videos flicked, and chats sent to the rest of our crew, informing them of the progress on our Homecoming parade float. The Baylor Ice Girls is a group of female supporters, cheerleaders, and organizers for Baylor Hockey, responsible for things such as filling water bottles between periods, creating care baskets for injured players, and bringing the spirit to every game. As the sun sets on float decorating, we add our final touches, preparing to party at sunrise the following morning.
We meet bright and early, but there is no light. We are simply there early, contemplating how Baylor’s Homecoming has been historically successful when college students are asked to be up before the sun. Loading our teams into two trucks and a trailer, we trek toward downtown for the celebration of the morning. With the parade flowing on Austin Avenue, local Wacoans line the streets of downtown. Children flock to the curb with buckets and baskets open, begging to be filled with candy. Parents and families sit back in lawn chairs, sipping on mugs of caffeinated fuel. Familiar faces of Baylor students are scattered among the crowd, avoiding the mass of bodies on campus.
Questions rise from the crowds as we pass, “Baylor has a hockey team? Is it ice hockey? Where do they play?” Yes, Baylor does have an Ice Hockey team! The current team was revived for the 2021-2022 season, successfully attracting players and fans for the last three years. Alongside this group, the Baylor Ice Girls became a social club for female Baylor students interested in hockey, aiming for the sport to thrive on campus. These two clubs run separately, but we deeply depend on one another for functioning.
Turning down 5th Street, the sun is rising higher, the music is louder, and the energy from our Ice Hockey float hits another wind. Bags of candy are tossed between trucks to prepare for the second wave of sugar-seeking children. We pause to rehydrate our fracturing voices and rest our sore limbs, worn out from screaming, waving, and throwing sweets through the procession. Hours of preparation flew by with the parade ending before we knew it.

Elizabeth Riley hails from Tennessee and is a senior double majoring in English and Professional Writing & Rhetoric at Baylor University. She works as a Transcription Assistant at the Baylor University Institute for Oral History and is President of the Baylor Ice Girls for the 2024-2025 season.