A New Performing Arts Center in Downtown Waco? Your input is requested.

Press Release

The Waco Auditorium brought internationally renowned performing artists to Waco in the 1920’s. Is it time for a new Performing Arts Center in downtown Waco?

WACO, TX (January 9, 2020) – The City of Waco, with input from Creative Waco, has engaged Keen Independent Research to examine the feasibility of creating a center for performing arts in Downtown Waco. This study requires a thorough exploration of the market for arts in the region, needs of local organizations, operating/capital costs and revenue potential, operating models, potential synergies and collaboration between organizations, components of a potential multipurpose facility, and a plan for implementation.

 To best serve the Waco community, the feasibility study welcomes rigorous public participation. Keen Independent requests that residents from Waco and its surrounding communities complete a virtual workshop. The virtual workshop takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete and a direct link is available here until January 31st, 2020.

Keen Independent also invites you to participate in an open house where you can meet with study team consultants, learn more about the project and share your insights. This open house on January 13 will be hosted at The Cooper House, 1801 Austin Ave., and will go from 6:15pm to 7:15pm.

If you are unable to participate in the virtual workshop or open house, Keen Independent encourages interested participants to reach out to the study hotline at 254-307-2669 or email WacoArtsStudy@keenindependent.com.

For more information about this feasibility study, visit the Keen Independent website. Keen Independent is a national research firm with expertise in arts and culture. Alex Keen, Keen Independent COO and Senior Consultant is leading the study. Keen Independent is joined by Victor Gotesman Performing Arts Facilities Planning, Theatre Consultants Collaborative and Venue.

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  1. LynnB on January 10, 2020 at 12:50 pm

    I thought the Hippodrome was the performing arts center. I’ve seen some really cool touring Broadway shows there in the past. Also I’ve attended concerts at the conv. center. I thought Waco ISD had opened some kind of performing arts center near I-35– has it closed? I also hope the present location of Waco Civic Theater on Lake Air Drive will remain, as it is convenient to my home. I’m hoping the area around Civic Theater does not become a ghost town with places all flocking to downtown. While I welcome downtown revitalization, new growth and fantastic new places, I don’t want it to be a case of overkill, where most of the venues sit empty most of the time.

  2. Bart Cox on January 10, 2020 at 5:55 pm

    I would support an arts center downtown for sure. Anything to give this area a cultural revival.

  3. Ilexa Raleigh Lane on January 10, 2020 at 6:52 pm

    Would love to have a space to host a show to raise money for the Waco commUNITY using the Royal Sovereign Imperial Court of Central Texas Empire!

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