Metropolitan Planning Organization:
The Policy Board of the Waco Metropolitan Planning Organization will meet on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at the South Waco Community Center, 2815 Speight Avenue in Waco at 2:00 PM. This meeting will be open to the public.
Policy Board members will consider actions regarding the MPO’s Unified Planning Work Program, 2022 Annual Project Listing (APL), and support for local applications for Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) grants. The Policy Board will receive updates regarding the MPO’s Carbon Reduction Program Call for Proposals, a public agency “Listening Roundtable” and significant highway construction within the Waco Metropolitan Area.
Members of the public must attend in person. Public comments will only be accepted in person, and the meeting link will not be posted online. The meeting room will be arranged for physical distancing of Board members, staff, and the public.
The meeting agenda will be posted to the MPO website three (3) days prior to the meeting on the meeting calendar at Please note our website format has changed, and you will need to scroll to the calendar and select the “PB” meeting for more information.
Persons with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids or services should contact the MPO at 254-750-5650 at least twenty-four (24) hours before this meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.