By Susan Menninger Krause
YMCA of Central Texas, Meals on Wheels Waco, and the City of Waco are working together to help the community take control of their health through blood pressure self-monitoring.
Nearly half of the adults in the U.S. have high blood pressure and only one in four have their blood pressure under control. High blood pressure increases the risk for heart disease and stroke, but heart attack and stroke are less likely if blood pressure is controlled. When people begin to pay attention to their blood pressure, they can better control it and improve their lives.
On Monday, Sept. 13 (11 a.m.-noon), a YMCA Healthy Heart Ambassador will begin coming to Sul Ross Senior Center to present the YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring program as part of the Meals on Wheels Waco programming. The program is free to eligible community members.
The YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring program is designed to help adults with hypertension manage and lower their blood pressure. It is a four-month program that focuses on teaching proper techniques to measure blood pressure and providing individualized support and nutrition education.
The goals of the program are to lower and manage blood pressure, increase awareness of triggers that elevate blood pressure, and help participants develop healthier eating habits. Expectations of participants are to attend office hours at Sul Ross two times a month, self-monitor blood pressure two times a month, and attend a monthly nutrition workshop.
For more information, contact Crystal Hernandez at 254.776.6612 or [email protected].
Susan Menninger Krause is manager of parks and rec facilities and programs for the City of Waco Parks and Recreation. Susan formerly was branch executive director at Waco Family YMCA.
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