By Dan Worley
Christian Men’s Job Corps Waco will begin its next class at 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 30, at The Hanger, 417 S. 17th St., Waco.
This will be our 35th class and like always, we need help. Following the format we used in the spring, we will meet two times a week (Mondays and Thursdays 6-9 p.m.). We will need meals for about 14 men per night. The CareCalendar we use for meal signups will be posted Wednesday, Aug. 11.

We call our mentors Champions, and they are welcome and needed every night you can possibly come. Built into every lesson is a time for Champions to interact with the men. I believe those of you who participated in the spring class will attest this worked well and gave you an opportunity to really get to know the guys.
Due to increases in COVID-19 cases in our area, we will once again ask everyone — participants, instructors, Champions, guests, and all to wear masks, keep an appropriate distance, and sanitize everything. We have masks, cleaning solutions, and hand sanitizer. This worked pretty well last class, and there is no reason it shouldn’t this time, too.
You can use to let men know the class is about to begin. One of the things about having class at The Hanger is that we attract men from outside of the shelters, which is something we like to see. So chances are someone in your family, your circle of friends, your church or those you work with knows a man who will benefit greatly by what we have to offer. Please share this with them. Invite them. Better yet, bring them. We will take any man 18 or older who wants to come to class and learn.
You may be asking, “Does this really work? Does anyone make a positive change because of CMJC?” The answer is, “Yes!” Three quick stories illustrate this. First, a few of our Board members were at a local business recently and the individual waiting on them was the daughter of a former graduate. Although he has since passed away, the daughter told these Board members that after graduation, the thing he was most proud of was completing this class. And the relationship the man had with his family was restored by putting to practice what he had learned.
Both the second and third “successes” happened in the midst of the pandemic when we were doing small, one-on-one sessions with two men. Neither of these men had held jobs in at least two years. Since going through CMJC, both are now employed, with good jobs that have benefits and a future. One has gotten married. Both men have done a 180 from where their lives were.
God can and will do a great thing in the lives of men who participate in CMJC Waco. Will you join Him in the work?
As always, if you have questions or concerns, call, text, or email me.
Dan Worley is executive director of Christian Men’s Job Corps Waco.
The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email Ferrell Foster at [email protected].