(During December we will be reprising some of “2017’s greatest hits” from the Act Locally Waco blog. I couldn’t possibly pick my favorites – so I used the simple (cop out?) approach of pulling up the 10 blog posts that got the most “opens” according to our Google Analytics. It is an intriguing collection that gives at least a little insight into the interests and concerns of Act Locally Waco readers. I hope this “Top 10” idea inspires you to go back and re-read your personal favorites. There have been so many terrific ones… If you would like to see the Top 10 according to Google Analytics, here’s the link: 2017 Greatest Hits. Merry Christmas! — ABT)
By Kassidy Munden
After my first year of college, I began to realize there were things I really (and I mean really) wish I had known in high school to help make my transition to college smoother.
The first thing I would advise any high schooler would be to take the high school anatomy class. I didn’t think I would ever need anatomy in my future profession, or even have to take it in college, but I could not have been more wrong about that. High school students considering going to college should seriously consider taking an anatomy class. My biggest regret about not taking anatomy in high school was that when I got to college, I was far behind my classmates and didn’t know a single thing. You can imagine how well a 100-question test over blood flow in the body went for me three weeks into my freshman year.
The second thing I would recommend for any high schooler would be to take dual credit in high school. Looking back on high school, that had to be one of the best educational decisions I made to prepare for college. Thanks to dual credit, I had all of my core English classes completed by the time I began college. Not only was it one less major class I had to take, I also learned how to properly write college papers. This helped me in my other classes as well, because in every class, even math, I had to write some type of proper essay. Knowing how to format and write these essays before my freshman year paid off in a huge way. I wish I had known to take more of the dual credit classes my high school offered, because even though they seemed difficult, they were more rewarding in the long run than they seemed at the time.
The third thing I wish I had known was to take the college transition class offered. Most high schools offer a college transition class and extend the class to all seniors. I did take this class, but I wish I had taken it more seriously. This class teaches students about life in college and how to live on your own, as well as educational enhancements such as how to build a resume. Looking back now, I wish I had learned how to build a proper resume, because that is something I will need for anything and everything. Most freshmen take classes requiring them to build a resume of some sort, and trust me, learning about it in detail in high school is easier than trying to learn it on your own in college.
The fourth and final thing I wish I had known was to get a job or internship. Most high school students declare their major “undecided” when entering their freshman year of college, which is completely normal. However, I wish I had explored more job opportunities and taken internships. These not only look great on a resume but also help you develop an idea of what you might actually want to get a degree in. Having more of a background in several different positions makes you a more diverse and knowledgeable individual. Did I mention it also will give you a stronger resume when you apply for college? That is key for all aspiring college students.
High school is a profound experience-building time for everyone, and I highly recommend that college-bound students seek out all of the opportunities available, because they definitely will pay off in the long run.
Kassidy Munden is a summer intern at ESC Region 12 in the College and Career Readiness/CTE department. She is a student at Texas Tech University and wanted to share her wisdom with current high school students.