Grassroots extends roof repair project; enrollment open

By Brian Shavers
Grassroots Community Development has opened enrollment for a new phase of our highly successful roof repair program to help low-income families. In the rainy months we receive calls from families with terrible roof problems. This eighth phase of our program hopes to address some of that need.

Before and after photo of repaired home from Grassroots website

Grassroots is now finishing 175 roof repairs for families from our earlier phase, and Phase VIII continues these efforts. The services provided by Grassroots are made possible in part through a grant from the City of Waco. The program is free to low-income families that live in the city.

We have enough funds to repair about 22 roofs. We began accepting enrollment in the program Sept. 8 and will continue through Nov. 2. We will then begin accessing homes in December.

The Roof Repair Program provides asphalt roof replacement to low-income Waco homeowners to correct problems that pose an immediate threat to the health and/or safety of occupants. To qualify, the following are required:

  1. The homeowner must occupy the residence where the repairs are to be made.
  2. Applicant must own the home as your primary residence.
  3. Property taxes must be current.
  4. The home must be within the city limits of City of Waco.
  5. The amount of your annual household income must fall below 80% of City of Waco’s Area Median Family Income. (See included HUD Income Limits on page 2.)
  6. The repair must fall under the guidelines of the Roof Repair Program. Required documentation as proof of total household income:
  7. Copy of Driver’s License or picture ID for all household members age 18 and older.
  8. Copy of Social Security cards for all household members.
  9. If you receive retirement and/or Social Security income, we need copies of the most recent
    award letters, matching the amounts deposited into your bank account.
  10. If you receive disability income, we need a copy of the most recent award letter, matching the amount deposited into your bank account.
  11. If you file taxes, we need a copy of the last two years of W-2 forms and certified matching tax returns with all schedules attached from the IRS.
  12. If you are/were employed this year, we need copies of the last two months of pay stubs. Pay stubs must include gross and net pay.
  13. Copies of the last two months of all checking/savings account statements, with all pages. Bank statements only – a printout of statement activity is not sufficient. If you do not have them, please request them from your bank.

Applications are available at our office, 1624 Colcord, Waco, TX 76707, or via our website, I can also email you an application; contact me at [email protected].

Grassroots Community Development was formed in 2001. Our mission is to create a brighter future for children, neighbors, and communities. Our mindset is that cultivating healthy neighborhoods is more than just building attractive and affordable homes. Community members must work alongside each other to create sustainable change. Building intentional and authentic relationships with neighbors is at the heart of what Grassroots does.

The team at Grassroots aims to bring neighbors together to work towards community driven change. Children are served through community-supported reading clubs at elementary schools. Neighbors are served through leadership development training classes, and free education and counseling to prepare families to become homeowners.

Communities are served through roof and external home repair programs for the disabled and elderly, building new homes and community enhancement projects.

Brian Shavers is projects manager with Grassroots Community Development.