ALW Book Club & future book ideas
By Ashley Bean Thornton

I’m sharing a link to TxCCDN Learners Book Club. The Texas Christian Community Development Network website states: “This book club provides a safe place for the reader to learn and grow on topics such as community development, professional development, racial injustice, poverty, self-growth, and much more. Some of these topics are uncomfortable and at times difficult. Rest assured not one of us knows it all but together we have the opportunity to dialogue and learn from each other.”
Their list of upcoming books may be ones to think about for ALW Book Club.
Here’s the link:

Our next meeting will be March 16 and the book is See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love, by Valarie Kaur. Here’s a link to one of her TED talks
We’ll send out meeting details as we get closer.

The May 11 book will be Upstream: The Quest to Solve Problems Before They Happen, by Dan Heath (rain delay, May 25, if needed)
We will take off June, July, and August.
Stay safe and if you have comments or thoughts, please don’t hesitate. Email me!
Do you have friends who want to join our book club? Sign up to be on the mailing list here.
Location and time of bookclub discussion?
Hi there! We will send out directions closer to the date. The time is 6:00. To be sure you get the instructions please subscribe to the email list: