From a release by Jennifer Marshall-Higgins
Out of 77 school districts across the 12-county education service area of Region 12, two outstanding educators have been selected for the top teaching award — the 2022 Region 12 Teachers of the Year. Krystle Moos of Midway High School is Secondary Teacher of the Year. James Cook of Cedar Valley Elementary in Killeen ISD is Elementary Teacher of the Year.
“We are extremely proud of these remarkable educators,” said Jerry Maze, Ed.D., executive director of ESC Region 12. “The time and energy they dedicate to their students, their peers, and the profession is truly an inspiration for others to follow.”
Krystle Moos has been teaching for 12 years, currently serving as a chemistry teacher at Midway High. She is also a professional learning community leader anda science fair and science UIL coach. Before joining the Midway Panthers in 2012, she was a teacher for Waco ISD.
“Mrs. Moos is unsurpassed in enthusiasm and motivation,” said Midway ISD Superintendent Dr. George Kazanas. “She is magnetic; the AP Chemistry program has tripled and flourished as students continue to flock to her classroom and excel in AP testing. Beyond academics, Mrs. Moos takes a sincere interest in connecting with each student. I could not ask for more from any educator. She is so deserving of this honor!”
The daughter of a science educator, Moos began with a passion for uncovering the science in the world around her. She brings this passion into the classroom through hands-on lab experiments and lessons while building students’ confidence in working through complex concepts.
Inspired by her growth mindset, Moos emphasizes learning as a life-long process to master difficult topics. She encourages student growth through productive struggle and uses this principle to guide her chemistry lessons.
Moos creates and uses a positive environment to build relationships with students, help them celebrate small successes, and feel the support necessary to work through assignments. Knowing that students have different learning styles, she provides multiple opportunities to demonstrate learning, emphasizing understanding processes rather than only having correct answers.
Through these instruction practices, she sees students gain a deeper understanding of the content, motivation increase to solve problems — driving an increase in assessment scores, student engagement, and excitement.
Much to the credit of Moos, enrollment in advanced-placement chemistry has tripled over four years, with ongoing student-to-student mentorship that extends after high school. AP chemistry is now more diverse than ever before while maintaining AP exam scores above the global and Texas averages.
The impact she sees through her mentoring and student leadership in STEM and science activities encourages Midway students to keep pushing boundaries within each lesson to continue to inspire students in realizing their full potential.
Moos’s classroom culture encourages scientific inquiry and builds scientific interest, often transcending the classroom, crossing over to other subjects and programs. One example includes a program for students at the high school to mentor intermediate students to develop projects based on science-related issues.
Another example of her efforts to expand effectiveness across classes and grades includes her role in the growth of the district’s Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program for high-achieving students from groups underrepresented in college. Moos learned that the program provides benefits for all students in every classroom and worked with the team to develop lesson formats for teachers to use in science classes that would benefit all students. This includes coaching science teachers in strategies, such as developing problem-solving journals and incorporating gallery walks of laboratory reports connecting, writing, collaboration, and reading in the laboratory investigations.
Moos is also a teacher leader for APTeach and works on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification process. From leading worldwide professional development sessions to hosting pre-service teachers in the classroom, she hopes to inspire current and future education leaders and foster a classroom that embraces diversity in learning by celebrating the productive struggle for students.
Moos holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Hartwick College and teacher certification in science. She is married to Scott Moos, an engineer at L3. They have three children.
As Region 12 Teachers of the Year, Cook and Moos will serve as nominees for Texas Teacher of the Year, which TASA will announce in mid-August. Also, the Region 12 Superintendent of the Year is Dr. Brandon Hubbard, Superintendent of Chilton ISD.
Jennifer Marshall-Higgins is director of customer & marketing services for the Region 12 Education Service Center.
The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email Ferrell Foster at [email protected].
(The Heart of Texas P-20 Council includes representatives from K-12 education, higher education and employers. They meet regularly to help coordinate efforts to launch our young people into productive lives as workers and citizens. This post is one in a monthly series of posts intended to share information about the work of this important group in our community. For more posts in this series, click here: P-20 education.)
By Ashley Canuteson
I have had the privilege of meeting some incredible people through my line of work over the past several years. A key facet of my job as College & Career Readiness Coordinator for Midway ISD is to help make connections between public educators, higher education, and folks in “the real world” – all for the benefit of students. After all, students need to leave us ready for success beyond high school. But students shouldn’t be the only ones who benefit from a group of constituents coming together to share ideas and learn from each other. My experiences have led me to realize that various partnerships coming from all of these efforts are mutualistic – they are not done solely for the benefit of students; rather, they are formed to truly help educate an entire community about how we can all work together for the successful advancement of an economically sound society. Wow! That was a mouthful! So, what does that mean exactly? I can best share an example of the power of mutualistic partnerships by telling the story of a wonderful advocate and community leader.
Rick Tullis, president of Capstone Mechanical and member of the Midway ISD Board of Trustees, was named this summer as one of four state Business Leaders of the Year by the Career & Technology Association of Texas (CTAT). He received this recognition because of a nomination written by Donna McKethan of Waco ISD, Christine Holecek of Education Service Center Region 12, and me. Through our work with each other, we came to realize that we all had seen the power of Mr. Tullis’ influence in a variety of ways. In addition to his commitments to Midway ISD, Mr. Tullis has been an active board member of the Greater Waco Advanced Manufacturing Academy (GWAMA), the Board of Directors for the Waco Business League, the Baylor School of Engineering Board of Advocates, the Baylor Scott & White/Hillcrest Board of Visitors, and the Board of Directors for the Waco Chamber of Commerce. Looking at his level of involvement, one can quickly see that Mr. Tullis is invested in the overall success of the Waco community. It is because of this far-reaching commitment and willingness to serve that he continues to make a lasting impact in the educational realm; however, it doesn’t stop there.
I have had the personal honor of working with Mr. Tullis in some of his volunteer roles – most specifically, with his time on the Steering Committee of the Heart of Texas P-20 Council. What I have realized in that time is that Mr. Tullis brings to the table a vision of shared learning for all. He isn’t there simply as a business representative trying to advise educators on what the world needs in its future workforce, although he shares some great perspective on that topic! He is also there to learn about how he can bring his network of colleagues into the world of education so we can all work together on helping our students become successful. “Preparing students is a shared responsibility of families, schools, and business,” said Tullis in a July interview with Hometown News. And he believes this wholeheartedly.
Mr. Tullis was an integral part of the collaboration between Waco ISD and various other school districts and business leaders who came up with the concept of the Greater Waco Advanced Manufacturing Academy. As GWAMA was coming to life, the educators learned plenty about the need for skilled graduates that exists in our local manufacturing workforce. It is fair to say that our local business leaders also learned much about the world of education. Together, these partners realized there are many ways they can work mutually to meet a variety of goals. Some of those goals benefit the educational institutions and some benefit local business. Even bigger than that, however, are the goals that are long term – the goals that focus on helping students today so that we help strengthen our community tomorrow.
It takes vision. It takes commitment. It takes time. It takes service. It takes a willingness to teach and a willingness to learn. It takes a team of partners focused on how they will contribute to the betterment of our community one relationship at a time. So how can YOU become a partner? How can you make a difference in the life of a student, or the life of a colleague, or the life of your community? We must expand our network of partners through open communication lines and specific opportunities for involvement. Mr. Tullis has challenged us all on the Heart of Texas P-20 Steering Committee to invite new partners to the table for discussions about ways we can all be involved in collaborating mutually on building a successful future. Ideas abound! Job shadowing for high school students, externships for teachers, career day involvement for younger students, college tours… the list goes on and on! Where can you find a fit and become a Partner with a Purpose? Our future needs you!
If you would like to get involved collaborating with the P-20 Council, please contact Fred Hills at McLennan Community College. His email is: [email protected].
Ashley Canuteson is the Coordinator of College & Career Readiness at Midway ISD. She works with the district Career & Technical Education programs and has a passion for working with people. Ashley is a Waco native who graduated from Robinson High School, attended MCC before graduating from Baylor University, received her Masters degree from Tarleton State University, and is currently working on her Doctorate at Baylor. Ashley is the proud mom to two fabulous children – a future video game designer and a future geologist! She and her husband, Wade, enjoy volunteering together and traveling.
The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.
(The Heart of Texas P-20 Council includes representatives from K-12 education, higher education and employers. They meet regularly to help coordinate efforts to launch our young people into productive lives as workers and citizens. This post is one in a monthly series of posts intended to share information about the work of this important group in our community. For more posts in this series, click here: P-20 education.)
By Ashley Canuteson
I have a dream – that every high school student be fully prepared to take the next steps toward their own dream after graduation; that they look back on their K-12 experience with a sense of accomplishment; that they have connections in place helping to bridge their postsecondary transition; that they take ownership in their goals and are committed to achieving them. I have that dream… and it guides my work each and every day.
As I conclude my sixteenth year in public education, I find myself looking forward to a summer of rest, relaxation, rejuvenation, and reflection. I know what you are thinking… It must be nice for educators to get three months off to do all of those things! You think we get three months off? Um, not exactly. As many educators do, I am still working long after the last student is gone. If I am not officially on contract, I am attending workshops or reorganizing my school space or meeting my colleagues for (gasp!) an actual meal away from campus! I am closing out last year’s paperwork and thinking ahead in planning for next year. Who has time to sit still when there is work to do that will make next school year even better?? That’s where the “reflection” piece of my summer plan comes in to play. When I reflect on the past school year, I ask myself three questions:
- What did I learn?
- How did I make a difference for kids?
- What can I do to make next year even more awesome?
As I sit here and ponder these questions, I realize there is a theme developing within my reflective thoughts: TEAMWORK. A simple word, really. Well, actually, it is a compound word, but that is a grammar lesson for another day! TEAMWORK. One of my go-to motivational authors, John C. Maxwell, wrote a book in 2002 titled Teamwork Makes The Dream Work. His overarching message in the book is that cooperation enhances the collective comparative advantage of a team, making group specialization more productive than individual concentration. I rather like that explanation of TEAMWORK. There is a lot to be said about the importance of TEAMWORK in the realm of education. Teachers cannot simply educate students in isolation – they need to make connections across disciplines and outside of the classroom. Parents are strong contributors to the educational team by supporting their child’s needs both in the home and at school. Counselors advocate for students, but can’t do it without communicating with college partners and other community constituents. All of these moving pieces must work in tandem to achieve a common goal: prepare today’s students for success in tomorrow’s world. What does that look like? Is it the same for every child? Absolutely not! So how do we develop an individualized educational experience for every student? T-E-A-M-W-O-R-K! We simply cannot do it in isolation. Every member of the community plays an important role in the education of today’s young people! What role do you play? Tax payer? Volunteer? Employer? Parent? Educator? How can you make a difference?
I would love to share with you a story about a really impactful event that took place this past spring at Midway High School. I believe it embodies the very essence of how powerful TEAMWORK can be. This annual college and career experience, called Junior Round-Up, brought together a variety of teammates who were committed to building relationships, developing real-world learning opportunities for students, and finding ways to connect public educators with college and career partners. The event was divided into two parts. First, all eleventh grade students at the high school attended a morning full of breakout sessions where they heard from various college representatives and career panelists. Baylor, Texas A&M, Tarleton, Texas Tech, TSTC, and MCC were all in attendance and talked with students about a variety of college-related hints and processes. Career panelists representing roughly 50 local businesses were selected based on student career goals, and were then grouped into panels based on their career alignment to the Endorsements defined within the new Texas Foundation High School Program graduation guidelines. Student feedback on the event was quite positive! It is designed to be generally informative while also being framed around individual student goals as much as possible. The hope is that students walk away with an idea of how they will work to achieve their dreams beyond high school.
In addition to the student portion of the event, this year we tried something new! In partnership with the Heart of Texas P-20 Council, Midway ISD hosted all of the speakers and panelists for a working lunch graciously sponsored by a local community partner, Capstone Mechanical. Counselors and other staff members from neighboring school districts were invited to join the working lunch, and the time was spent brainstorming ideas about how everyone could work together – no matter what role they play – to develop relationships from which students could benefit. Business representatives shared their willingness to speak to students, offer student internships, give company tours, and serve in advisory roles. College partners talked with high school teachers about bridging expectations to better prepare students for the transition to college. These are just two general examples of the true synergy that was developing. Incredible ideas were born at this event because of TEAMWORK!
The really cool thing is that, because of one of those conversations, several students have already reaped the benefits. One example of this is evident in the continued growth of the relationship between Midway High School and Central National Bank. Bryan Fonville, Marketing Director at CNB, met with several business/technology teachers from MHS at the luncheon and – using TEAMWORK – they came up with the idea that students could help write, direct, film, edit, and produce a video for the bank. The students who were selected got to film on site at the bank, and learned a bit about financial planning while also applying their technology skills to a real-world project. The collaborative effort was a great success and the students walked away from the experience with authentic connections that will positively impact them long after they are out of the classroom. And they demonstrated TEAMWORK in their learning.
Still wanting more examples linking TEAMWORK to student success? Envision in your mind students who get to spend time in the summers as Junior Volunteers at Providence Hospital; teens who are invited to complete an internship with Space X one summer that leads to them getting a job offer after high school; kids of all ages who participate in extended learning through educational camps or college course offerings. What kids learn in these real-world situations helps them explore career interests while applying knowledge they gain during the school year. These opportunities are available to local students so they can gain unique experiences that cannot be replicated in a school setting. TEAMWORK makes these things happen. It’s a commitment made by our community that ensures our current generation is prepared to lead us into the future! Do you believe that TEAMWORK can make the dream work? I do. I have a dream… and I believe in our community team! Though school is out for summer, the work doesn’t stop. Consider joining forces with an educator, a school partner, a co-worker, a volunteer group, or even a student; and find a way to be a part of the TEAMWORK that makes the dream work.
This Act Locally Waco blog post was written by Ashley Canuteson. Ashley is the Coordinator of College & Career Readiness at Midway ISD. She works with the district Career & Technical Education programs and has a passion for working with people. Ashley is a Waco native. She attended elementary and middle school at Midway before graduating from Robinson High School. After two years at McLennan Community College, Ashley attended Baylor University where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Education. She went on to receive her Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Tarleton State University and is on track to complete her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from Baylor University sometime next school year. Ashley is the proud mom to two fabulous children – a future video game designer and a future geologist! She and her husband, Wade, enjoy volunteering together and traveling.
The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.