Your health during pregnancy: Tips for a good visit with the doctor

By Ashley Steenberger

“Doctors need to be more compassionate. First pregnancy I felt like I was just a statistic. I’m just going to rush you and get you out in 15 minutes. I’m not going to get paid that much anyways. It’s not about that. It’s about making me feel more comfortable in my pregnancy. Letting me know the risks and what can go wrong and what can go right.” — Patient Participant

If you’ve never heard about the Healthy Babies Coalition (HBC), we are a group of dedicated community agencies in McLennan County that provides services to mothers and babies. Our focus as a coalition is to reduce existing health disparities, improve birth outcomes of mothers and babies, and improve women’s health throughout the life cycle. Currently, we meet on the third Thursday of every month from 2-4pm.

In order to better understand the barriers to accessing women’s healthcare and decreasing preterm birth and infant mortality, the Healthy Babies Coalition partnered with the Prosper Waco Women’s Health Workgroup in 2015 to conduct eight focus groups and one interview with Waco community healthcare providers, patients (women of childbearing age) and patient support systems (men and grandmother type supports). The focus groups were implemented to gain information regarding the community’s knowledge and perception of women’s health services in the community and its relation to our birth outcomes.

We received a lot of helpful data that have informed and shaped our work as a coalition and our community to better serve the women of McLennan County. Among one of the most powerful statements we heard from the focus groups was the previously mentioned quote from a female patient: “Doctors need to be more compassionate. First pregnancy I felt like I was just a statistic. I’m just going to rush you and get you out in 15 minutes. I’m not going to get paid that much anyways. It’s not about that. It’s about making me feel more comfortable in my pregnancy. Letting me know the risks and what can go wrong and what can go right”.

It is no secret that doctors are busy- they have a schedule to stick to throughout the day and that often leaves little time to address all of your concerns. But, there are ways you can play an active role in ensuring you make the most out of the time you do get with your physician as this is also your responsibility as the patient.

Here are a few tips that can help you talk to your doctor and ensure a quality appointment time:

  • Write down a list of questions and concerns before your appointment. If you have a health issue, make sure to include any symptoms you may be having, when they started, how often it happens, and if it prevents you from doing something. Tell your doctor you have this list and share it with them.
  • Be honest and open. Clear communication is vital in ensuring the smartest decisions are made for your health. It will help your doctor better understand your lifestyle and the best treatment choices for you.
  • Consider bringing a close friend or family member with you. They can help calm your nerves as well as help you remember the tips your provider may share with you.
  • Take notes about what the doctor says, or ask a friend or family member to take notes for you. If you don’t remember what the doctor shared with you, you can easily look back to your notes for reference.
  • Learn how to access your medical records so you can keep track of test results, diagnoses, treatment plans, and medications and prepare for your next appointment.
  • Ask questions– especially if the information you are hearing seems confusing or unclear.
  • Ask for the doctor’s contact information and his/her preferred method of communication in case you have further questions or concerns.
  • Remember that nurses and pharmacists are also good sources of information and can be very helpful in your health journey.

Above all, remember that you and your doctor are a team and your relationship is a partnership. You can and should work with your provider to solve your medical problems and keep yourself healthy.  Your health is important so make it a priority. Take an active role in this partnership to ensure the healthiest you!

Ashley Steenberger is a second year Master of Public Health student at Baylor University from Northwest Arkansas. Currently Ashley works with the Healthy Babies Coalition as the Healthy Texas Babies Grant Graduate Assistant at the Waco-McLennan County Public Health District and an Intern with Nurse Family Partnership Waco.


“Mighty Med” after school program has a mighty impact on Middle School Students!

By Victoria Ette

Jordan Haynes is a 14-year-old 8th grade student at Indian Spring Middle School in Waco ISD. He was born and raised in Waco, and loves the downtown area. He says that if he could, he would spend all of his time there adventuring and partaking of the many things that there are to do downtown. He is a member of the Mighty Med Club, which is an afterschool program offered by Indian Spring Middle School. It is led by Baylor’s Multicultural Association of Pre-Health Students. Although Jordan wants to attend school at Texas A&M University and pursue a career in photography, he says that the Mighty Med Club has taught him a great deal about the realities of college life and what it takes to pursue his dreams. Jordan enjoys the mentoring relationship he has with the Pre-Health Students, and he loves to proclaim, “Baylor is bringing Waco back to life!”

“Pre-Med Club” is an after-school club that springs from Baylor University’s Multicultural Association of Pre-Health Students (MAPS) Pipeline Program. The objective of the Pipeline Program/“Pre-Med Club” is to introduce students to medicine early on in their academic careers so that they may acquire all the necessary knowledge and resources upon matriculating into high school. This will enable them to excel in a curriculum (and engage in extra-curricular activities) to best prepare them for a post-secondary education and their future careers.

The club aims to expose students to diversity in the healthcare field, introduce students to medical professionals of various backgrounds, to teach and mentor students about the medical field, and give them support in how to excel in their academic careers. We are especially excited to reach minority students, a population also reflected in the MAPS members, because we recognize the power of representation. Seeing someone like oneself reflected as a positive role model, particularly in the face of prejudice, discrimination, and underlying systemic prejudice is powerful in its effect to validate one as a human being.  Exposure to successful college students and future professionals makes one’s goals seem much more obtainable. Finally, we want to instruct students about medicine in a way that is fun, interactive, relevant, and impactful.

The after-school program was launched in the Fall of 2016 at Indian Spring. Kattina Bryant, Indian Spring After School Program Manager, said that the Pre-Med club has been an opportunity for WISD students to realize there is no limit to what they can achieve. The Indian Spring students are excited about learning with a different focus. When we went to the State Capitol for the Go Red Event through the American Heart Association, students had the chance to connect the lessons learned in the club with information about preventing heart disease and stroke. The learning is relevant and the students are highly engaged.

Jordan and his friends enjoy learning about the human body and how their own bodies function. He says that he has always been curious about medicine, how it is made, and how it is distributed. Jordan’s favorite experience so far in Mighty Med Club was when Dr. Barry, a local pediatrician in Waco, came to speak to the Mighty Med Club students. He thought that it was inspiring to see a male African-American physician working in a professional field such as medicine. Jordan’s take away from Dr. Barry’s presentation is that “even though we as African-Americans are sometimes looked down upon, we are still able to rise to the top and follow our dreams.” Jordan states that Mighty Med Club has allowed him to see that even though college will be hard, he is more than capable of succeeding at the university level.

Victoria Ette is a senior at Baylor University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Biology. Victoria has been a champion supporter of Waco ISD, and a tutor for Communities in Schools and Waco High School. She has led Service Learning projects at Cesar Chavez Middle School and initiated the Pre-Med Club at Indian Spring and Carver. She plans to attend medical school after graduation.






2017 Greatest Hits #2: What does teen dating violence look like?

(During December we will be reprising some of  “2017’s greatest hits” from the Act Locally Waco blog. I couldn’t possibly pick my favorites – so I used the simple (cop out?)  approach of pulling up the 10 blog posts that got the most “opens” according to our Google Analytics.  It is an intriguing collection that gives at least a little insight into the interests and concerns of Act Locally Waco readers. I hope this “Top 10” idea inspires you to go back and re-read your personal favorites.  There have been so many terrific ones… If you would like to see the Top 10 according to Google Analytics, here’s the link: 2017 Greatest Hits.  Merry Christmas! — ABT) 

By Berkeley Anderson

I was involved in every possible extracurricular from mock trial to tennis. I had high grades and graduated in the top of my class. My parents demonstrated respectful and kind relationship behaviors. Despite those things, I experienced dating abuse in different forms.

Dating violence is a pattern of harmful behavior in which one partner attempts to exert power and control over the other partner. Most people immediately think of physical and sexual abuse, but dating violence also includes less visible forms of damaging behavior including verbal/emotional abuse, digital abuse, and stalking. At its most extreme dating violence may look like the death of an all-star college lacrosse player, but in others forms it can be even harder to recognize, especially for teens who are new to dating.

Complicating matters further, relationship behaviors exist along a spectrum. Healthy partners have open, respectful communication about conflicts, respect for each other and respect for boundaries. Unhealthy behaviors signal that the relationship has problems—ranging from lack of communication to incompatibility. Some examples of unhealthy behavior include texting or calling more than the other person is comfortable with, getting jealous when the other person spends time with friends or alone, and dishonest or non-existent communication.

Most relationships exhibit unhealthy behaviors at some point. They may stem from one partner’s insecurities or poor communication. Additionally, some behaviors indicate that the relationship is heading toward being abusive or is already abusive. Physical violence, for example, is never okay. But where do we draw a line with insults, teasing, or manipulation?

My relationships didn’t have all of the signs you might see on a list of warnings about abusive relationships. There was extreme jealousy—but I believed that it was partially my fault when my ex pushed a male friend after he hugged me. There was also yelling when he was angry, but again I thought that some of this was a normal response to being angry. Then there were the times that he got so upset that he harmed himself—and I thought, well, it wasn’t me, this is scary but not violence toward me. What I didn’t know at the time is that these behaviors are about power and control. They scared me, and in the long run made me averse to conflict.

Then he pushed me.

Not hard enough to really hurt me, but enough that I was scared. It was so long ago that I can remember the emotions, but not the context.  All I can remember is that when I told my parents, they said he needs to seek therapy or you need to break up. When I told him, he said I’d broken his trust.

So you might ask, why didn’t other people know? Why didn’t my parents say something sooner?

The fact of the matter is that I never felt like I needed to tell someone even though it was an emotionally damaging relationship. I didn’t tell my parents because I wanted to stay with him. I only talked about the good things most of the time. And there were many good things. By the time there were more than enough unhealthy behaviors, I had redefined what a normal relationship looked like.

Which behaviors were problematic?

  • Extreme jealousy
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Yelling when upset/getting angry over small things
  • Self-harm
  • Physical violence
  • Accusing a partner of “breaking confidence” about unhealthy behaviors

Many of the things on this list —and this list is not comprehensive—were not what I thought of as abusive at the time. I didn’t completely understand what I was going through. By the time there were more than enough unhealthy behaviors to define the relationship as abusive, I had redefined what a normal relationship looked like. And I was wrong.  Teen dating abuse is neither healthy nor “normal.”

So why talk about this now?

February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness month. It’s a time when parents, schools, and organizations across the country learn how to talk about and prevent teen dating violence. Dating violence affects 1 out of 3 teens on average.  If you haven’t experienced teen dating violence, you probably know someone who has.

How can you prevent this from happening to yourself or to teens you are close with?

  • Educate yourself and others on what teen dating violence looks like.
  • Learn to have those uncomfortable conversations about healthy and unhealthy relationships.
  • Define your boundaries and how you want to be treated. In a healthy relationship, your partner should respect your boundaries and should respect how you want to be treated.
  • If you think a friend or family member is experiencing abuse, do not judge them for staying with their partner, instead provide them with resources and options.

If you suspect your relationship is becoming abusive, trust your instincts. If you don’t want to talk to your parents or a friend you can text “Love” to 22522 or call 1-866-331-9474 to get advice from a counselor at Love Is Respect.

For more information on how to talk to teens about dating violence you can read this handout from Break the Cycle.

Berkeley Anderson has a Master’s degree in public service and degrees in physics and history.  She loves slam poetry, hot sauce, and any dog she meets. She is the Teen Dating Violence Project Manager at the Family Abuse Center.

Yoga: Mindful Wellness for Body and Mind

By Vera Minot

(how I feel about running, most days)

When I arrived in Waco in 2013 I had no idea that my cross-country upheaval would catalyze an entire health and wellness journey for me.  I began researching nutrition and preparing my meals at home, and to complement this I began working out in a gym (for a while), and I even (gasp! This part was hard) started running again.  I was training for my first 5k (a big deal for me!), with bigger dreams to come, when I was hit by a car on my way home for lunch one day.  As I began nursing several spinal injuries, I came to find I could no longer walk for extended periods of time without debilitating pain, let alone run.  Facing potentially lifelong demobilizing injuries, I ceased my workout routines, further increasing the wellness void I had been looking to fill since arriving in Waco.  I needed to find an activity that would honor my injuries, aid in my healing process, and give me the physical outlet I yearned for, I turned to that in which I had only dabbled in the past: yoga.

I started practicing yoga consistently in June of 2016, and I found that when I did my back pain decreased!  Despite there being limitations to the poses (or asanas) I could perform due to my injuries, as the weeks went on I noticed I was gaining some strength in my arms, core, back, etc.  Yoga seemed to be the perfect solution for what I was seeking!  What I didn’t realize yet was that physical benefits are only a small part of what yoga has to offer to any one person.  My journey may have begun as one of physical health, but after 7 short months I can see that while the physical benefits are many and varying, the mental health benefits greatly exceed any expectations I didn’t even know I should have.

(child’s pose, or balasana, a common resting/healing pose)

I’ve been an anxious person for as long as I can remember—I’m very self aware, so I mull over past events looking for cues for how I can better myself (“oh gosh, I didn’t ask her enough questions about herself!  I need to make sure to do that more, I hope she didn’t think I was egotistical?!”), and when I’m not doing that I’m often considering the various [typically disastrous] ways a near-future event may pan out (“ok, maybe I’ll invite her for a hang out next week and I’ll make sure to ask her what she likes to cook and focus on her, but what if she thinks I’m prying?  Maybe a hangout next week is too soon?”).  Long story short, living in the present hasn’t always been easy for me, and unfortunately anxiety resides and thrives when I focus on the past and the future.  This is where yoga comes in.

Since beginning my practice, not only have the frequency and intensity of my anxious moments decreased drastically (I realize anxiety manifests differently for everyone and as such it’s very much an umbrella term), but I’ve noticed more specific benefits to my mental health as well.  Naturally, there’s the obvious increase in endorphins that happens with any exercise.  There’s also the incredible sense of pride and accomplishment I feel when I make progress with an asana I wasn’t able to perform before.  Perhaps most importantly though, I have increased concentration and focusing abilities (especially when it comes to doing tasks I didn’t really want to do, like vacuuming my house and going to work 🙂 ), I find that I am able to stop, breathe, think, and then act as opposed to charging forward with my conditioned, emotional reactions, and best of all my tolerance for stress and stressful situations has increased significantly!

A personal example of these benefits presented itself recently when I had to have some tough conversations with a good friend of mine.  Our friendship had gone awry, and as you can imagine the conversations that can ensue around a situation like this tend to be very emotionally charged.  Both of us were upset, and in that moment I would rather have been anywhere other than on her couch, talking about whether this friendship was worth continuing.  In the past I probably would have written an impassioned letter, detailing every wrong, every hurt, regardless of its necessity, and then run away so I wouldn’t have to see the fallout.  Present “me” was able to sit through the “awkward” silences in the conversation that night, stay true to my needs and boundaries, and respect my friend despite the incendiary nature of some of the accusations being hurled my way.  We weren’t able to resolve our issues, but I was able to move forward with a sense of calm acceptance I know would have been foreign to me even 2 years ago.  I credit yoga 100% for arming me with the skills to handle that situation.

(this is me doing Bakasana, or Crow’s Pose, one of the first times I was able to successfully do it! Still working on the form of course)

The benefits to my mental health since beginning my consistent practice have been so great that naturally I began to wonder why.  I’m by no means a voice of authority on the scientific relationship between yoga and mental health, but here’s what I’ve found—it all seems to come down to the same couple things.  BKS Iyengar, the esteemed founder of Iyengar Yoga, said “Penetration of our mind is our goal, but in the beginning to set things in motion, there is no substitute for sweat.”  What we practice physiologically develops new habits and reconditions old ones that affect us mentally.  When we breathe through a difficult pose, breathing deeper into the muscle or joint that’s struggling, we learn how to endure a stressful situation.  When we focus on keeping our inhales and exhales even and slow to regulate our heartbeat, this keeps us in the present moment (being in the present moment is also called mindfulness)—this in turn quiets our mind, which is key in increasing concentration and focus.  Mindfulness is grounding, and neurologically this helps train the brain to stay in executive thinking mode (this is where the stop, breathe, think, then act happens) as opposed to the more primal fight/flight/freeze mode.  When we are practicing our balance, we are attuning to our body, making the tiny adjustments necessary to stay in a pose.  Learning to attune to my body has helped me recognize the physiological precursors to stress and anxiety so that I can deal with them with a calm mind and heart as opposed to letting them overtake me.

(Kim and her daughter in the studio foyer, photo credit Sarah Hill Photography)

There are some yogis and yoginis out there who learn these lessons on their own, in their home practice.  I, however, benefit greatly from a teacher’s guidance, so I’m so grateful that Yoga8 exists here in Waco.  I’ve experienced all the studios in town, but when it comes down to it the feeling of love and acceptance for who I am and where I am in my journey that I feel at Yoga8 is unparalleled elsewhere, in my opinion.  Kim, the owner of the studio, has a beautiful spirit as well as an incredible knowledge of the human body and its capabilities, and all of the other RYT-200 certified teachers at the studio truly take to heart Kim’s mission when she opened Yoga8 two years ago.  Their mission is to improve as many lives as possible.

My short time with Yoga 8 has truly revitalized me.  My time spent in their myriad classes, from the restorative Healing classes to their sweatier Kick-UR-Asana classes (and any of the classes in between) has taught me how to attune to/regulate my body and be mindful whether my toes are on the mat or not.  The lessons I’ve learned and will continue to learn as I progress in my yoga journey have dramatically increased my mental health, and as such improved my life.  To Kim, I can say: mission accomplished.

Vera Minot is a reluctant adult from Arizona trying to navigate life in Waco and in this world.  She finds joy in cooking, gardening, her cats, social justice, creative endeavors, books, and of course yoga.

Financial Freedom: Two Things….Windfalls and Local Resources

By Phil Oliver

Thing One:   How to treat a financial windfall in a healthy way

Were that it was just about money—-this concept of financial freedom would be such a breeze!    However, when the financial situations become dire, we are ready for help and assistance in creating quick financial solutions to solve a complex set of multi-reason patterns of spending that upset EVERY aspect of our lives…not just financial.

In past blog articles, I have addressed many ways I help clients as a Financial Coach to look authentically at their income and spending and look at the possible resources in our community to help “bridge the gap” toward reaching their main financial goal.  I take a much different approach than a Financial Advisor because he looks more for investment opportunities, while I deal more with looking at how to better spend and enrich the relationships in your household with the income you currently have.

So, this article will look at healthy ways I would recommend as a Financial Coach to handle a possible time when a financial windfall is placed in your lap.

For some, it is this season of tax refund, for others it is an inheritance, for others it is a work bonus, or another unexpected cache of cash.    Whatever the source, thought and planning will give much more lasting results than quick, random spending.

First, I will go back to my first question in this series:

What is the main financial goal you seek?     This is the foundation for all subsequent decisions, sacrifice, budgeting, and celebration.

The second is just as important, but a little more allusive:    Why?

This is where the income becomes intentionally targeted on the GOAL, rather than the SPENDING.    Money is simply the means to better accomplish what we really want to happen in life and the relationships that drive the real source of our true wants.

Looking at cash windfalls is no different than the budget building process we have already covered.  The biggest change is to move from planning for needs (or even temporary wants) to planning for shared dreams and life enriching experiences and events.

This process is easily done during the budget building process.    After the Bare Bones Budget is done, then a consideration of wants is added as the income improves.    For a windfall, the next step is to come up with household “dreams plan list” that, while unfunded now, can be anticipated, reviewed and considered for any future unexpected income.

Some common categories for households to use to construct a “dreams” list could be:

  • Buying a House
  • Starting a business
  • Education
  • Moving
  • Giving
  • Purchasing A Car (for cash)
  • Eliminating all debt
  • An Emergency Fund

Each of these can be part of a long-term dream list that can be intentionally planned for with overage each month, while an additional windfall would simply expedite the opportunity to fund the dream(s).

So, the first step is to get together as a household and “dream”.   A household brainstorming meeting could easily be part of the regular budgeting process where everyone is given input.    Then, use the conversation to make your “dream list” that is added to your budget as an additional page or addendum.    You can either make a plan to allocate a percentage of overages and/or windfalls to the listed items,

Which might look like this:

  • 30% to Giving
  • 30% to Eliminating all debt
  • 40% to An Emergency Fund

or to completely fund the list from item one to the next until the money runs out.

Which might look like this:

  1. Giving
  2. Eliminating all debt
  3. An Emergency Fund

Both continue to focus on intentional spending, rather than random and impulsive spending.

Once the list is compiled, the financial aspect can take a back seat to the relational possibilities of looking, anticipating, announcing monthly updates, or even “window shopping” for the things on the “dream” list during the month.   That can be just as exciting and rewarding as the actual spending!

I hope you will use these as just the beginning examples of ways of handling a windfall to maximize the current and future impact on your household.

Be Creative and invest in what matters most—-relationships!

Thing Two:   Getting Financial Help Locally 

We are fortunate in Waco to have so many community resources.   I have begun to compile and locate resources here in Waco that can help with Financial Literacy, Money Management, and Personal Financial Counseling.

Here are two of the best starting points for those who are seeking assistance:

  • Prosper Waco with their “Get Help Locally” page: — Look currently at Housing (to Buy) and Housing (to Rent).  Both of these categories give local agencies that help with financial literacy.   More will be added soon!
  • Call “211” or if your cell phone can’t call it, dial 1(877)541-7905. — Ask for resources in McLennan County for “Personal Financial  Counseling”

Most current resources are available with links on these sites and I personally know that Prosper Waco will continually and regularly add to their resource page as a direct result of their growing commitment to be a One Stop Shop for resources to enhance life for all residents in the Waco area.

If you have additional resources you would like to recommend, please call or text me directly at 254.744-8328, or Prosper Waco at 254.741-0081 ([email protected] )

Blessings and best wishes for a fulfilling, fantastic financial future!

Phil Oliver is a retired educator.   He is an independent Financial Coach, active mentor, and community activist.   He has spent the last 8 years empowering individuals and families to take charge of their finances through his FLOW system.  He is active in many community efforts to grow financial literacy and responsibility including Prosper Waco and Citizens for Responsible Lending.  He consults with many local organizations to teach and inspire their efforts to empower clients in personal finances.  You can contact him at:  [email protected]

 The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.




Santiago Fraga – Just another kid who loves (Challenger Little League) baseball

By Coleen Heaton

The sounds of baseball…the cheering crowd, the announcer, the crack of the bat. America’s pastime is a favorite for many. What happens, though, if you love the game, but the sounds just overwhelm you?

Eight-year-old Santiago Fraga is a huge sports fan, like many children his age. According to his mom, Evonne, he can spend a whole Saturday watching college football with his dad, and when there is not a game on TV, he watches videos of the Baylor Bears and the Dallas Cowboys on YouTube. They think he may someday be a sports announcer just like The Voice of the Bears John Morris.

Of all sports, baseball, it seems, was the one to capture his heart above the rest. When he was finally old enough to play baseball, his parents quickly signed him up. While that may be considered typical, this story is anything but “typical.” Santiago was born at 28 weeks. He has hydrocephalus due to grade three and grade four brain hemorrhages, and was diagnosed with quadriplegic cerebral palsy at the age of two. He uses a wheelchair to get around. None of that deterred his family from wanting to sign him up to play the game he so dearly loves and that was where Challenger League came in.

Challenger Little League, first established in Texas in 1989 (and then in Waco in 1990) as a separate division of Little League, is an adaptive baseball program for boys & girls with physical or cognitive challenges. It offers children the opportunity to enjoy the game of baseball along with millions of their peers who participate in the sport worldwide. Over 30,000 athletes participate in Challenger Division every year; over 100 of them participate right here in Waco.

Four years ago, Santiago became a Challenger League baseball player. However, those beloved sounds, the cheering crowd, the announcer, and the crack of the bat, bothered him so much that he spent much of his first season on the field crying while his mom and dad cried at the fence. Volunteers continually encouraged his parents, saying it would take some getting used to.

The league uses “Buddies” to assist and encourage players during games. Santiago’s buddy was then-China Spring High School student Mason Gist (also a huge baseball fan). The love of the game brought the two brought together and they developed a deep friendship along the way. Mason helped Santiago focus on the game and encouraged him when he became overwhelmed. Noise canceling headphones helped, too, and Santiago was able to finish his first season.

The beginning of his second season was much the same as the first: he was on the field, and his parents were crying at the fence. Santi, however, was no longer crying (he was laughing and enjoying his favorite sport with his teammates). Mom and dad were now crying tears of joy. They were so proud of how far he had come and so thankful that they stuck it out through some difficult times.

Each season has been better for him than the one before. His parents say Santiago has made many new friends, is more independent, and has so much fun out on the field. Mr. and Mrs. Fraga have also made new friends on this journey with their son, “amazing families who have been so supportive in our journey, as many of them are in similar situations,” says Evonne.
During his time with Challenger, he has played on Baylor Baseball field multiple times in the Shriner’s Classic. He has had his name called over the loud speaker while at bat, and has had his picture on the jumbo-tron. He was once invited into the press box at a Texas Rangers game to meet and speak with Tom Grieve and Steve Busby. Recently, he attended Lunch with a Legend where he met Baylor Baseball Coach Steve Rodriguez and David Murphy.

In addition to baseball, Santiago plays football, basketball, and soccer.

If you know a child who wants to join Santiago and the rest of the challenger players, registration for the 2017 season is underway. There is no registration fee and anyone ages 4-18, or up to age 22 if still enrolled in a school program, with a physical or developmental challenge may participate.

Waco’s Don Deatherage Field, a unique baseball field modified to meet the needs of all players, is located at 2021 North 44th Street, between Cobbs Drive & Trice Avenue, behind the Lake Air Softball Fields.

One of the benefits of having Challenger Division is that it encourages the use of “buddies” for the players. “Buddies” assist players whenever possible, encouraging players to bat and make plays independently. However, the buddy is always nearby to help when needed. Often buddies are peer athletes who are participating in a Little League Baseball or Softball program. As with Santiago, buddies can make all the difference!

Challenger is a uniquely rewarding program, always welcoming new sponsors and volunteers. For more information on how to become a player, sponsor, or volunteer, contact league representatives at [email protected] or look them up on facebook and like their page, Challenger Little League in Waco Texas.

Coleen Heaton has volunteered with Challenger League in Waco for over a decade. She has coached in the past and currently recruits and trains volunteers (“Buddies”). She also is part of No Limitations Athletics, a local organization offering sports to the special needs community. They currently offer flag football and cheerleading in the winter, basketball in the summer, and soccer in the fall. In addition to sports, they have a Girl Scouts Troop (Troop No Limitations), plan an annual special needs prom for the area, and began an online support group for special needs moms. They are also pushing for an inclusive park to be built in Waco.





Walking into the Future of Downtown

By Ashley Bean Thornton

I like to walk, and I like downtown, so when I discovered the book Walkable City: How Downtown can Save America, One Step at a Time (by Jeff Speck) I picked it up.  I mentioned it on Facebook to see if I could rope a few folks into reading it with me.  Soon we had about 20 people signed up for a book discussion.  It was such a great conversation that a handful of us decided to keep meeting. We have adopted the name Waco Walks. Now we’re even getting T-shirts, so what do you know?  We’re a real “thing!”

Our merry group has decided that we want to get out and walk together once a month. Our intention with these walks is to get a little exercise, enjoy each other’s company, and see what we can learn and do about making Waco into a community that walks!

Our last walk was on February 11.  We walked from the fine arts building on Baylor campus, down University Parks to Washington, and then across to Sixth street, before jig-jagging to Fifth Street to cross back under 1-35 to return to Baylor campus. Think about all the neat Waco stuff you get to see on that route: the Martin Museum of Art, the Mayborn Museum, the First Street Cemetery, the Downtown Farmer’s Market, the food trucks, the suspension bridge, the longhorn statues, the courthouse, the (soon to be open) Mary Avenue Market, the lofts in the old Gradel Printing building, the Silos, First Baptist Church, the Bear habitat, the beautiful new Baylor fountain in the middle of 5th street… It’s really a terrific 3.5 mile loop!

Where the sidewalk ends…

So why isn’t it more popular for walkers?  Well, there are lots of fun things to look at along the way, but they are not connected together all that well. There are big empty parking lots and dull or boarded up buildings in between the cool things.  There are long stretches of really nice sidewalk, but they are occasionally punctuated with unfortunate patches of badly broken sidewalk and places where you have to walk in the grass or in the street. Baylor and downtown are not too far away from each other to walk, but I-35 is a psychological barrier and the underpasses, while technically walkable and safe enough, are a little intimidating and not very inviting.  How do we go about overcoming some of these challenges and maximizing the benefits of the great pieces we have?

Enter one of the things I love most about Waco:  our awesome city employees!  We invited Clint Peters and Chelsea Phlegar from the City of Waco Planning Office to come with us on our walk.  They willingly took time away from their own Saturday morning plans to walk with us and educate us about some of the possibilities for making the area more walker-friendly.  They even brought handouts!

It was exciting to hear about upcoming plans for better sidewalks up and down University Parks and on Sixth Street, and new hotels and apartments with first floor retail and public space for pedestrians to peek into and enjoy.  We dreamed together about the possibilities for developing the parking lot and current drive-thru bank area between the courthouse and Austin Ave. into a walkable city square similar to the ones in Georgetown and Denton.  We talked about the pros and cons of one-way and two-way streets and how that affects walkability and storefront development. We talked about the culture changes needed so that people are willing to walk a couple of blocks instead of parking directly in front of their downtown destinations. Clint and Chelsea helped us understand overlay districts and TIF rules and the influence they have on making downtown more walkable and pleasant.  They gave us some great information about how we might be able to speak into the I-35 expansion project (if it happens!) in regard to making the underpasses more inviting and walkable “gateways” from Baylor to downtown.

What were my main take-aways from our walk together?  First, there are all kinds of terrific ideas and possibilities for making downtown more walkable and interesting. We residents of Waco need to educate ourselves about what it takes to actually implement those ideas.  Second, there are an awful lot of good things going on right now.  If we took this exact walk again in just six months we would see lots of new developments moving us toward the goal of an ever more interesting and walkable downtown.  Exciting times!

Are you interested in helping to make Waco a community of walkers?  We’d love to have you join us! Check the Waco Walks Facebook page for information about upcoming meetings and walks.

Are you specifically interested in downtown development?  On February 25, from 9:00 to Noon, Baylor Continuing Ed is offering a class called “Waco 101: How to Grow a Downtown.”  We’ll learn about the theory and practice of downtown development from Megan Henderson of City Center Waco, then we’ll take a brief walking tour of downtown led by local developer Shane Turner.  We’ll cap it off with a question and answer session with Megan, Shane, City Manager Dale Fisseler and City Councilman Dillon Meek.  It costs $10, you can register online at   See you there!  Walk on!

This Act Locally Waco blog post is by Ashley Bean Thornton, she works at Baylor, helps out with Act locally Waco, and facilitates the Waco Foundational Employment Network which is a part of Prosper Waco.  She likes to walk and doesn’t mind at all if you honk and wave when you see her.

 The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.



Shadowing is not just for Ground Hogs! Job Shadowing opens up Opportunities for Waco High Health Academy Students.

By Donna McKethan

Each year, Americans celebrate Groundhog Day on February 2.   For the past 131 years, we’ve had a day celebrating a rodent! Time to upgrade our celebration!

February 2 is also National Job Shadowing Day.  Championed by national organizations, state organizations and our local Heart of Texas P-20 Council, National Job Shadowing Day provides students a unique peek into careers. It’s a great way for them to learn from people already in the work place, to  get some perspective about life in the work world, and to get a true feel for the career they plan to pursue in the future.

Shadowing experiences provide several advantages students. Students are able to observe firsthand the occupational duties and expectations of their career choice. This experience provides students an information base to assist in career decisions that are more compatible with their personal interests and skills. Other benefits include:

  • increased motivation to excel in school;
  • broadened understanding of requirements of a specific occupation in the “real” world;
  • increased self-confidence in working with adults and in job interviews;
  • improved positive self-image;
  • a chance to develop leadership skills.

Recently Waco High Academy of Health Science students took part in a job-shadowing experience provided by Baylor Scott and White Hospital. The experience was enjoyed by both the hospital staff and the students.   I’ll let the students speak for themselves about what they learned:

Marilyn Rangel

Marilyn Rangel: I shadowed two nurses at Baylor Scott and White Hospital.  I got first-hand experience at what they do on a day-to-day basis in Pediatrics.  I really loved the experience!  I am really grateful I got a chance to experience something like this.

Hallie Morgan

Hallie Morgan: At Baylor Scott & White I had the chance to shadow a nurse manager in the 5 South floor.  While I was shadowing, we checked on the nurses and how they were doing.  We also checked on patients because they were short-handed that day.  This experience really meant a lot to me because I got to see that there are other jobs in a hospital besides being a nurse or doctor.

Yenesia Carpio


Yenesia Carpio: At Baylor Scott & White, I learned many interesting things.  I shadowed in the Radiology department.  I got to see how a mammogram works.  I even learned how long you would have to go to college to become a mammography tech.  Shadowing at Baylor Scott & White was very helpful to me because it opened my eyes to more careers that I may want to do in the future.

Kevin SifuentezKevin Sifuentez: I visited the Baylor Scott & White Medical Center and got to see the laboratory.  It was very interesting.  I got to see how they test for HIV and pregnancy.  I also got to see where they put all the blood samples, including ones from Carter’s blood drives.  This experience meant a lot to me and I hope to get the chance to do it again soon.

Thomas Ramirez

Thomas Ramirez:  When we arrived to Baylor Scott & White, we were taken to the auditorium for a short orientation.  We each got our job-shadowing assignment.  I was assigned to the NICU, where they take care of sick and premature babies.  I shadowed a nurse who was taking care of a set of twins.  While there, I learned about the many types of jobs in the NICU and got to watch them feed and bathe the infants.


Destiny Acevedo: At Hillcrest Baylor Scott & White, I shadowed Megan in the clinical nutrition department.  I learned that there is a lot of math involved in nutrition.  I thought it was just about food, but they watch every patient and plan what they eat according to their nutritional needs.  They really care about the patients’ health.  This was a great experience, and I like it very much.

Just a few short hours are all it takes to open a window into the real world of work for students. Groundhog Job Shadow Day can be an important first step in providing students with the knowledge and skills they will need to achieve their dreams.  Special thanks to Baylor Scott and White, The Heart of Texas P-20 Council and Waco High School Academy of Health Science for making this day possible. If you are interested in hosting students for a shadowing experience at your work place, contact me at  [email protected].

In the words of Punxsutawney Phil, “BE the shadow!” and everyone will benefit.

Donna McKethan is the Career and Technology Director at Waco ISD. She has 33 years in education, the last 15 with WISD Career and Technology. She is currently the President of The Career and Technology Association of Texas. She is a WISD graduate with a BS in Home Economics Education from Baylor University and an MS of Education from Tarleton State University. She is currently enrolled in the Doctorial Program in Educational Leadership at Tarleton State University.

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.






It takes a village … to get a child through college and into a career!

By DeShauna Hollie

I’ve always liked the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child”.  Most of us have heard that phrase at one point or another in our lives. It is a phrase that often comes to mind when I think of our educational system, in fact I would go so far as to say that “it takes a village to educate a child.” Over the past century we have done a phenomenal job in establishing an educational system that not only educates large numbers of students, but that is also continually striving to understand how to give each student the best education experience possible from early childhood through college.

Along with giving all students access to good teachers and quality curriculum, research also indicates that strong community support is one of the pivotal pillars of a successful educational system. (Darling-Hammond, 2010) This community support can look like a lot of things. For example in our own community we have a plethora of wonderful support systems that include but are not limited to:

  • Mentoring programs
  • Parent teacher organizations
  • Local and national nonprofits that take an active interest in our local schools

The community groups make up our village and make it possible for our teachers and administrators to focus on the great work that they are doing inside of the classrooms. We have laid a strong foundation for each student’s educational success. With these support systems in place we can now move on to the next phase of the work in providing each student with the best educational experience. That work includes helping students and families better connect their high school education with their college and career goals.

Using the model of collective impact Prosper Waco and MCC are actively engaged in multiple exciting initiatives to address the overarching goals of increasing college completion rates of students in McLennan County. With a grant from the TG Foundation we are using these questions to guide us in our work:

  • How do we raise the college completion rates of economically disadvantaged students?
  • How do we raise the college completion rates of Men of Color?
  • How do we provide information in a way that aids in a seamless transition for students from high school into college and into their career field so that they may take their places in society?

Again I’ll mention that it takes a village to educate a child. As a Waco local who also happened to have been a first generation college student myself, I know firsthand what it is like to navigate the paths between high school, college and career with community guidance. In the coming weeks we will delve further into all the ways that we are working towards the goal of increasing college completion rates for Mclennan County students.

DeShauna Hollie is the Pathways Specialist with the Project Link program. She is currently working on Master’s of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction at Greenville College. She is also an aspiring hops farmer and really likes riding her bike.

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.

Notes: Darling-Hammond. (2010). The Flat World and Education: How America’s Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future. New York: Teachers College.




Indian Spring Service Learning Group explores hunger in Waco

By Craig Nash

This year I have had the pleasure of working with students at Indian Spring Middle School in a Service Learning Group focusing on the issues of Poverty and Hunger in McLennan County.  The Service Learning program, led by Travis Cheatham, combines educating students on “real world” concerns and equipping them to use their own gifts and talents in working toward creating a better world for themselves and their neighbors. During the fall, we talked about food insecurity and its causes. Students learned about minimum and living wages, creating a personal budget and food deserts. They were introduced to ideas about effective ways to engage in social change and given brief synopses of the many organizations in Waco dedicated to addressing hunger. They were particularly interested in three specific organizations– Caritas, Mission Waco’s Jubilee Food Market and Meals & Wheels of Waco. So, on January 30, we hopped on a bus for a field trip to those locations.

At Caritas, Director Buddy Edwards met us in the office area and spoke about the administrative work that goes into running Waco’s largest food pantry. Here the students heard about all the other services Caritas provides, such as GED training, SNAP enrollment and health education. Then Mr. Edwards led us through the rest of the facility, including the food distribution area, warehouse and front intake area. One of the things we brought up continually to students, a concept that many of them already knew well by experience, is that many people in our community who receive free food and other social services are people who have full time jobs, (some more than one) and often look just like people we are all friends and family with. The opportunity to see this firsthand was, I believe, a transformative experience.

The highlight of the students’ experience at Caritas was getting to enter the large walk-in freezer and experience zero-degree temperatures, and also taking a picture outside the beautifully painted new produce trailer located behind the building.

From Caritas, we traveled to the Jubilee Food Market where we met Kathy Wise of Mission Waco. On the way there, Mr. Cheatham gave students a lesson in the history of the Brook Oaks neighborhood, from its early days as an enclave of wealthy Wacoans, to its decline, to recent successes in revitalizion. Ms. Wise filled in some of the gaps, describing the neighborhood as being in a food desert before the acquisition of the building where the Market currently stands. She told stories of neighbors who often ended up paying as much for rides to the nearest grocery store as they do on groceries. Last fall students learned about the concept of food deserts, so this was a great oportunity for them to see first hand an organization working to alleviate this challenge.

The morning ended at Meals & Wheels, where Janet Nors walked students through the process of getting food from their facility to distribution hubs around the Heart of Texas and into the homes of seniors. Here, students asked many well-informed questions, such as how someone qualifies for receiving meals from M&W and what are the nutritional components of each meal. They seemed most surprised to learn that the organization also delivers pet food to its clients, and were intrigued at hearing the reason behind this, which is that many seniors in need will often give any food they receive to their pets, knowing they may not eat otherwise.

At the end of each stop, students asked each tour guide ways they could help. Ideas generated were helping Caritas mark off bar-codes from their gifts-in-kind, sharing flyers for Jubilee Food Market, and putting on a pet food drive for Meals & Wheels. They are currently considering which of these they are most excited about and capable of operating. I’m excited to see what they come up with.

I suspect the field trip was as meaningful for me as it was for them. In my role at Texas Hunger Initiative, I have the honor of working with folks all around the city working to alleviate hunger but rarely get to see them in their element like I was able to with these students. The dedication and joy I witnessed as they were in their “natural habitat” was inspiring, and I’m happy the students were able to witness that as well. If you see any of them out and about town, give them a huge “Thank You” for what they do, and the impact they have on our city.

Craig Nash has lived in Waco since 2000. Since then he has worked at Baylor, been a seminary student, managed a hotel restaurant, been the “Barnes and Noble guy,” pastored a church and once again works for Baylor through the Texas Hunger Initiative. He lives with his dog Jane, religiously re-watches the same 4 series on Netflix over and over again, and considers himself an amateur country music historian.

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.