Successful Diabetes Study Results May Inspire Insurance Companies to Cover Prevention

By Crystal Hernandez

Sometimes good things just keep getting better, and it may have for the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program. You may remember that it wasn’t very long ago when I shared with you that those at risk for developing type 2 diabetes are not necessarily destined to a lifetime of checking blood sugar levels and managing medications. Perhaps you recall hearing about the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program and being excited and encouraged to know the year long program that has been proven to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in those that have pre-diabetes by 58% and by 71% in those over the age of 60 is right here in Waco, available to you.

Well, you weren’t the only one excited. It appears that insurance companies were also intrigued by the possibilities of this program. That’s why the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) funded a 3-year study to see just what the results and cost savings would be if this program did indeed do what it said it would do.

They watched as 17 YMCA’s implemented this program and they awaited the results of the 8,000 folks that were served during the 3-year study. And do you know what they found out? Medicare estimated cost savings in a 15-month period to be $2650 per person when compared to similar beneficiaries not in the program. This is the first time a CMMI pilot has been proven to lower the incidence and reduce the cost of type 2 diabetes.

There are several gems that are a result of this study. One is that those in the Waco community have a program available to them that can help them receive the same results as the 8,000 people in this study. Another jewel here is that this has begun a discussion and started the process, although it may be lengthy, of making this program a covered benefit to those insured by Medicare.  This could also mean that other insurance companies may follow Medicare and Medicaid’s lead. Perhaps it even means that in the future other prevention programs may be covered benefits.  How nice it would be to know your desire for better health is supported by your insurance company.

crystal hernandez2This Act Locally Waco blog post was written by Crystal Hernandez. Crystal is the Chronic Disease Specialist for the Waco Family YMCA. She received her degree in Exercise Science and Health Promotion from the University of Memphis. She and husband Shawn are blessed to be the parents of 4 beautiful children. In her free time, she loves hitting the pavement and pounding out a good run.

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.



Learn How To Become A Brain Builder!

By Christina Helmick

Have you heard the saying “there is an app for that?” I have an app that automatically texts people when I am in a certain area, another app that keeps track of the steps I’ve taken, and an app that organizes my grocery list based upon food categories. What about an app that provides daily activities for adults to do with children to help prepare them for Kindergarten? Well, there is an app for that too!

vroom screen shotThe Prosper Waco Kindergarten Readiness work group, along with other Prosper Waco community partners like the Cameron Park Zoo and the Mayborn Museum, are promoting a free parenting tool called Vroom. Vroom, which you can download on any smartphone, tablet or computer, provides you with daily, age-appropriate brain building activities to do with children ages 0 to 5. Each activity comes with science-based background information that allows adults to understand how that specific activity is building the brain development of the child.  To download the app, go to the App Store and search for “Vroom” or “Daily Vroom.”

If there is someone you know that would enjoy practicing brain building with their infant, toddler or preschooler and doesn’t have access to the Internet, give us a call at 254-741-0081 to receive physical copies of the Vroom activities.

Depending upon if you are an early childhood care provider, a community organization or a community member who wants to raise awareness about Kindergarten Readiness, there are different ways you can promote Vroom.

family_flyerFor example, if you are an early childhood care provider or an organization that directly deals with children ages 0 to 5 and their families, you can distribute information to your families about Vroom and hang posters around your facility! If you are a community organization like the City of Waco, you can hang posters around your workplace and include a Vroom flyer in your welcome packets to new hires. If you want to help promote Vroom on an individual level, bring Vroom flyers with you to meetings you attend and direct people to the Vroom tab on the Prosper Waco website so they can learn more about the app! To learn more ways to help promote Vroom within our community and the organizations working together to promote the app, visit our website.

Everyone in our community can use #Vroom254 to encourage brain building activities!

This free parenting tool is one element to addressing the Prosper Waco Kindergarten Readiness goal of increasing the percentage of Kindergarten ready students by 50 percent by 2020.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Christina Helmick [254-741-0081] with questions about Vroom or how you can help promote the free parenting tool!

Christina HelmickChristina Helmick is the director of communication at Prosper Waco. She is a recent graduate of Baylor University with a BA in Journalism, Public Relations & New Media. Originally she is from Washington, D.C., but has stayed in Waco post-graduation.  She is an active mentor at J.H. Hines Elementary School, enjoys spending time with her family and watching Baylor football. Sic ’em Bears!

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.

For more about Vroom see this recent Prosper Waco talk show that focuses on the app and brain building…




Important Summer Tips for Inner-City Youth from Tupac, Outkast, & Drake

By Krissica L. Harper

As an advocate, college admissions recruiter, and educator in the areas of youth and student development, I have noticed that a large percentage of inner-city high school students are not aware of the things needed to start their collegiate, educational, and career pursuits. Like them,  I was a kid in the inner-city. Low-income and “at-risk” were a few words that the school system used to label me. Having a single parent household and incarcerated parent is/was tough. I am forever grateful to my mother and “the village” around me that introduced my sibling and me to a variety of different summer programs and more. Some of those included athletic camps, educational tours, and views from the 6. (kidding on that last one, ha ha) But, the KEY to those experiences was just that- I EXPERIENCED them. I heard once that there wasn’t so much an “educational gap” as there was an “access and skills (experience)” gap. Those experiences changed the trajectory of my life.

Finances play a huge role in accessing educational/informational opportunities for inner-city youth. Growing up, my mother worked multiple jobs so that we could afford to participate in extracurricular activities. There were also some activities that we could not do because of the costs associated with them. I know how it feels to want to do something that other kids did, but with money being the deciding factor, not be able to do it. I also recall going back to school in the fall and the teacher asking for everyone to stand and tell the class what they did over the summer. It is not exciting when you’re the kid that does not have much to tell everyone. On many occasions, reluctantly, I made up worthy-enough stories that would match up with my classroom peers. Not a good feeling.

Below I have listed a few tips on how inner-city youth can search and access some EXPERIENCES that can help them achieve results in and out of the classroom. I want to help take our youth and their interests, gifts, and talents to new heights this summer! I also want them to be the kids with exciting stories to tell the class or write about next school year!



NOW to my young, hip, Snap Chattin’ young’uns — there will be some free programs around your city. If you are on social media, go ahead and hit that hashtag. What are you interested in? Maybe there are some events that coincide with that exact thing. See if there are a few hashtags that you can hit on Twitter and Instagram. Sites like Eventbrite,  Meetup  and Act Locally Waco list local and statewide events and happenings that you can attend this summer. Get up, get out, and Remember: EXPERIENCES CAN SHAPE YOUR REALITY.

Like my guys from Outkast once said,


Young Outkast

“you need to git up, git out and git somethin
Don’t let the days of your life pass by
You need to git up, git out and git somethin
Don’t spend all your time tryin to get high
You need git up, git out and git somethin
How will you make it if you never even try
You need to git up, git out and git somethin
Cuz you and I got to do for you and I”


2. R-E-A-D

Yes, R-E-A-D in the summer. READ! The summer is an amazing time to reflect on things that happened during the school year. Often times we want to get away from anything pertaining to school during the summer. However, why not enjoy the sun, enjoy the swimming pools, and GET AHEAD? Take the time to expand your knowledge. Being in the inner-city there are some negative distractions that could impact your life in a major way. What if you decided that you won’t let those distractions hinder you from growing? Les Brown, Eric Thomas, and Gary Vaynerchuck are a few folks that I want you to get acquainted with this summer.

I never forget the words of 2PAC that speak to inner-city youth like you and myself-

Young Tupac Shakur

Young Tupac Shakur

“You try to plant somethin in the conrete, y’knowhatImean?
If it GROW, and the and the rose petal got all kind of
scratches and marks, you not gon’ say, “[DANG], look at
all the scratches and marks on the rose that grew from concrete”
You gon’ be like, “[DANG]! A rose grew from the concrete?!”
Same thing with me, y’knahmean? I grew out of all of this
Instead of sayin, “[DANG], he did this, he did this,”
just be like, “[DANG]! He grew out of that? He came out of that?”


Young Aubrey Drake Graham3. Drake was right…

…At the end of this summer, you want to be able to say, “Getting things done around here.”  #SummerSixteen 😉

#GetPAPER –  “Passionate About Purpose Expecting Results”


Krissica HarperKrissica Harper is a youth and student development advocate, college recruiter, and educator. She conducts and curates workshops, events, and more.  Here goal is to inspire others to live with purpose and pursue their passions.  This post first appeared on her own blog which you can follow at  Connect with Krissica on social media @KrissicaHarper.  Any questions? Contact her directly: [email protected].

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.


The Light We Can See in North Waco

by Allison Allen

Living in my north Waco neighborhood has its challenges especially if you’ve read the headlines of house fires and a recent homicide. As a neighbor it is heartbreaking to know that loss and destruction are literally outside my front door. I struggle to reconcile these realities with my personal experience of living here which is overwhelmingly positive, one of life and hope and connections with neighbors.

It reminds me (a little) of the Nobel Prize winning novel, All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. The story is set in occupied France during World War II in the midst of loss and destruction. The novel centers on a blind, French girl and a German boy whose paths eventually, miraculously cross. Their meeting toward the end of the book is the “light” that cannot be seen in the fog of war. And their brief friendship leads to life, hope and connections.

A bright light going on right now in north Waco is the possibility of a REAL grocery store at the corner of 15th and Colcord, Jubilee Food Market. A store with actual live fruits and vegetables at actual grocery store prices! This may sound mundane and commonplace, but when the closest grocery store is over two miles away and you don’t have a car, it’s big news. And, it’s what the neighbors in north Waco are asking for, and all of Waco can help make it happen.  (Click here for details:

And, there are other everyday lights that I see all around my little corner of our city. Neighborhood kids of all colors playing together outside all summer long, people walking everywhere and stopping to say hello to neighbors, teenagers going door to door selling candy to raise money for their schools, my son getting his best haircut from our neighbor, neighbors mowing each others’ yards, tenants becoming homeowners on every street, and on and on the lights shine…

Sirens come then go
A fine balance to be sure
This life in Waco

Allison AllenAllison Allen has lived in north Waco with her family for 14 years. She’s a mother to 2 above average children, a wife to a pretty good husband and a property manager of some very clean and affordable apartments in the downtown area.

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.






Four-year College or bust? No way! Other paths just as valuable…

By Scott Bland

For more than 30 years, our educational system has done a disservice to our kids by teaching them that the primary path to a successful future is completing a four-year degree program after high school graduation. There are many unintended consequences of this educational track. The primary consequence is that kids who have no desire to attend a college or university feel as though they are inferior or somehow not as valuable as their peers who move on to advanced degrees. These children are not taught or shown other paths that are just as valuable and lead to rewarding careers as those requiring college degrees.

The construction industry is made up of careers that pay salaries that are in line with or higher than many careers requiring a college degree.  As the construction industry has become more and more technical, these jobs in the plumbing, electrical, and heating and air conditioning industries require the completion of advanced certification programs. Achieving these certifications requires just as much dedication, commitment, and maturity as completing a typical four-year degree program. In our Central Texas Area, the starting salaries for licensed plumbers, electricians, and heating and air conditioning technicians fall into a similar range as starting salaries for college graduates.  After completing their certification program, students in these fields can expect to start out earning between $35,000 and $45,000 per year.

Because there is such a shortage of qualified workers in the construction industry, most companies are hiring students who are still in the certification process and putting them to work gaining valuable experience in apprentice positions.  Students who come out of high school ready to begin a career can use this option as a means to help pay their way through their studies and not incur the crippling debt that so many four-year degree students are saddled with upon graduation. For children from low-income families, this is a viable path to breaking the cycle of poverty that has become generational for many of our students.

A secondary consequence of the “four-year degree or bust” model is the creation of a massive shortage of the skilled workers necessary to create housing, commercial projects, and public infrastructure – and those are just a few of the industries that are dealing with this terrible shortfall in labor. While it is a wonderful thing to have lots of English professors and accountants, we aren’t going to be able to rely on our tax guy to fix our plumbing when the pipes in our house start to leak.

And that brings me to an unintended consequence that is impossible to quantify. I firmly believe that there are a great number of people working in careers they hate.  They wish they had spent their time and money in other pursuits, but they were taught from Kindergarten on that to be a successful person in our society you had to have that four-year degree. There was a stigma placed on careers that didn’t require that college degree. When you look at how many or our greatest entrepreneurs either never went to college or started and dropped out to pursue their passion, it is obvious that there are many paths to being a success. Our children need to be exposed to those paths, so they can make the best choices for them.  That way maybe the next Steve Jobs doesn’t have to drop out of college and work out of a garage to achieve his or her dreams. And, yes, Jobs was a college dropout along with Mark Zuckerberg, Russell Simmons, Brad Pitt, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and even Oprah to name just a few.

Scott BlandScott Bland was born and raised in Waco.  He is an alumnus of Baylor University. He worked for Highland Homes in the Dallas area from 1998 to 2001, then joined the United States Secret Service as a Special Agent after the 9/11 attacks.  He retired his commission in late 2006 to return to Waco and take over the family business, Jim Bland Construction, where he has served as Owner and President of the company for the last 10 years. He is currently the President of the Heart of Texas Builder’s Association as well as a member of the Board of Directors for the Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce.

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.


Some advice for improving your mental health game

by Dr. Emma Wood

brainWe live in a culture that values productivity over health, outward validation above personal contentment, the bottom line (usually money) over the complex and at times painful beauty of being human. Within this culture, physical health is acknowledged as legitimate while mental health seems to be considered a “personal problem” or at best optional.

You broke your leg? Let me take you to the ER!

You can’t get out of bed in the morning because life is overwhelming? Just try harder, or drink coffee, or… maybe you are just lazy.

Around 25 % of America’s population experiences a diagnoseable mental illness in a given year. You may or may not fall into that 25%, but mental health is an issue for 100% of the population. An absence of mental illness does not the presence of mental health make. As a clinical psychologist I see the negative impact of the denial of mental health as a priority. Often, when people chronically neglect their mental health and self-care they ultimately end up with depression or anxiety which interferes with their ability to function.

The World Health Association defines mental health this way:

“Mental health is a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”[1]

I would encourage you to ask yourself a question: where am I at with mental health?

rush rushBeing a therapist does not make someone immune from emotional and psychological difficulties, just as being a physician does not make you immune to cancer. All human beings are vulnerable to stress and ultimately distress. There are many ways one can improve or work on their mental health. Regular exercise that is fun (i.e. not pounding away on a treadmill looking at a wall), self-reflection, opportunities for creativity, play, relaxation, reading, meaningful relationships, eating delicious and nutritious food, these can all be part of your mental health routine. My routine is admittedly not as robust as I would like it to be. With two toddlers, a full time job, root canals, ear infections, church pot lucks, evening programs, etc. I find it hard to get it right. This is where the pièce de résistance of self-care comes in. The “mental health day.” The mental health day is a sick day off work or away from parenting (i.e. a babysitter). Consider it if mental health is sliding down the slippery slope towards mental illness.

I have come up with some hopefully helpful guidelines should you need and use a mental health day. I encourage you to do this, perhaps once a year, or more if necessary. Hopefully the following sentiments will assist you in getting the most out of your mental health day.

Things not to do on your mental health day:

  • no paperworkLaundry
  • Clean the kitchen (or any other part of the house)
  • Wear restrictive clothing
  • Answer work emails
  • Run errands

Things to avoid:

Picking up your children early from day care/school- it’s good to miss them. Ignore the guilt about not spending time with them. If you take the day for you, for the few hours you get with them at the end of the day you will be a much more present and healthy parent.

Avoid productivity.  This is probably the most counter cultural message, but it is important to have time to live, play, relax, be in the moment.

Avoid that list of things that you want to get done when you have time. Taking the new Mom a meal, buying new shoes for your baby’s rapidly growing feet, meal planning and prepping, working on the taxes, mowing the lawn, etc. you are booked all day with an appointment with yourself- you can’t cancel on him/her again!

Avoid guilt- easier said than done.

Things TO DO on your mental health day:

Nourish your soul. There is a qualitative difference between binge watching Netflix and reading an inspiring autobiography. There is a difference between watching day time tv and watching a nostalgic comedy from your childhood. Think about what the junk food of your brain is- it’s a quick distraction but leaves you feeling empty and hungry. Start to figure out the things that fill you up.

Journal. Take some time and space to think, clarify your thoughts and values, tune in to your inner experience. This is probably the healthiest thing you can do on your mental health sick day.

Have your partner bring home dinner. Let yourself completely off the hook- don’t cheat yourself out of the full day. It’s like meticulously planting a garden, and then not watering it. You want to follow through to see the full results of your investment.

Hopefully these tips leave you inspired and motivated to making mental health a priority!

Emma WoodDr. Emma Wood is a licensed clinical psychologist, public speaker, trainer, consultant and blogger in Waco. You can see more of her work and get more information about the services she provides at 

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.


[1] World Health Organization [WHO]. “Strengthening mental health promotion (Fact Sheet No. 220.),” (accessed January 6, 2010).


In the kitchen with kids: They’re learning more than just cooking

By Meilana Charles

In April, Prairie View A&M University-Cooperative Extension Program’s “Dine on 3,” healthy living social media initiative focused on cooking with kids.

In my previous career as an early childhood professional I enjoyed preparing and cooking in the classroom with students. Taste tests, pumpkin carvings at the sensory table, creating salads from fruits and vegetables picked from the garden, and introducing different types of foods from different cultures were just a few of the activities implemented in my classrooms. And, as a young professional, I didn’t even know the long-term benefits associated with cooking with kids!

As an extension agent in McLennan County, I have found that few parents know the benefits of preparing a meal with their children.  For example, in one of my classes I noticed a preschool-aged girl attentively focused, watching her mother prepare a fruit smoothie. When I inquired about her daughter’s fascination, the mother replied that she’d never made a smoothie and her daughter wasn’t allowed to be in the kitchen when the adults were cooking.

Children only get in the way, this is my “alone time,” it’s not safe… many parents seem adamant that children don’t belong in the kitchen. To counter this resistance, I make sure to include information regarding the importance of cooking with children in my health and nutrition programs. I make sure to explain that parents need to introduce their children as early as age 2, to age appropriate activities when preparing meals. Additionally, I explain that aside from the cooking skills, there are nutritional, developmental and academic benefits associated with letting children assist in the kitchen.

In the end I hope that some of the information provided convinces parents to allow their children to take some role in preparing meals for with their children. The long-term benefits far outweigh the reasons to avoid having them help.

cooking with kids


Meilana CharlesThis Act Locally Waco blog post was written by Meilana Charles. Meilana is a Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent at Cooperative Extension Program at Prairie View A&M University. Meilana’s priority areas for providing educational resources to McLennan County are general nutrition, money management and parenting. She has a M.S. in Child Development from Texas Woman’s University and is a certified Human Development and Family Studies professional through American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.


Home and Hope: Conversations at Church about Including LGBTQ People

By Curtis Cannon

There were so many people, many more than I had anticipated, all gathered in the Church sanctuary that first Wednesday.  I’m not a member of this particular faith community, but I was thrilled about the topic they would be considering and discussing during the month’s Wednesday gatherings.  The program series was about the Church and their relating to and including LGBTQ people.  Momentous and exciting stuff.  I was again filled with hope.

My journey in the Christian Church began in my infancy – many, many moons ago.  Some of my earliest memories are of playing in the nursery, doughnuts, Tang, felt board Bible stories, “Jesus loves me this I know”…We were a very involved Church family with regular participation in the myriad assortment of groups, classes, committees, choir….all of it.  I loved it and drew a great deal of identity from my belonging there.

Later, as a teen in high school, I began to realize and grapple with the fact that I was gay.  It wasn’t a phase or an affliction, it was simply who I was.  I’m able to say that today with a clarity of age I wish I could have known then.  I was very distressed then about what was happening with me.  After a few cursory “testings of the waters” with trusted leaders in the Church, I was left with a palpable sense that I was in err, that something was wrong with me.  Did I grieve God?  Was I an abomination?  I no longer felt I could be honestly myself in Church.  This all coincided with my heading off to college, so I used the opportunity to bow out from Church.

For ten years I bobbed and tossed through a rather tumultuous early adulthood.  I think of that time as my years wandering in the desert.  I had some great friends and dear confidants, but wouldn’t a home base of faith and solidity have been great?

In 1993 I moved from San Francisco, where I attended school, to Waco.  Yes, that’s right, SF to Waco.  A radical transition to be sure, but Waco is my mother’s hometown and I had the familiarity of visits in my youth to see grandparents and relatives.  I moved out here with the goal of helping my parents organize and sort through my grandparent’s estate.  Little did I know it would still be  my home 23 years later or that it would mark the next chapter in my spiritual odyssey to wholeness.

I remember sitting in my car outside of the Metropolitan Community Church for a good while before finally mustering up the courage to venture in.  I had heard this was an open and affirming Church and actually came into existence so that LGBTQ people could have a welcoming place to worship.  It all seemed almost too good to be true.  I was home.

In the years since that wonderful homecoming I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of a number of organizations and fundraising groups in Waco that that have worked for the equality and betterment of life for LGBTQ people.  I’ve also witnessed landmark legislation and court rulings that have made it possible for me and my husband, Dave to be legally married here in our home state (after we’ve lived together as a married couple for 16 years). I’m also grateful to new friends in other circles of belief and faith that have been so welcoming.

Today, I know of a few more congregations that have adopted the practice of true inclusivity (a definite improvement from a few decades ago).  My hope is that more and more faith communities will be open to growing in this direction of embracing all people.  It’s challenging work to grow beyond what you think you already know, but it’s possible, and I’m truly heartened by those congregations that are committed to this healing and transformative work.

Curtis CanonCurtis Cannon studied Theatre at San Francisco State University. He has been a zoo keeper, pre-school teacher, and house flipper.  He’s a member of CrossTies Ecumenical Church (who welcome and affirm all people) and is a mission group member and volunteer with the Gospel Café.  He and his husband Dave are big fans of all things theater.

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.


Easter with Emily

By Tansy Ackermann

I met Emily “Blank” Merton in person the night of Friday, March 11th. (She doesn’t have a middle name: I love to give her a hard time about that.) She arrived on a big yellow school bus, straight from DFW, in the Waco High School parking lot along with 20 other exhausted German teenagers. We took her home, let her get settled in, and we’ve been exploring Waco ever since.

Photo of Tansy & Exchange StudentEmily is my GAPP (German American Partnership Program) exchange partner. The foreign exchange program with our counterparts in Kerpen, Germany, began at Richfield High in the 1985 – 1986 school year.  When Richfield, Jefferson-Moore and Waco High Schools combined to become what is now known as Waco High, the exchange program kept going at the newly combined high school.  Every other year, the German students visit Waco for several weeks, living in the homes of Waco High students while becoming immersed in the Texas culture and attending classes at Waco High. In the summer, the Waco High students reciprocate the visit by traveling to Kerpen to experience life in Germany.

It has been a blast these last few weeks showing Emily around the Heart of Texas, and my home, Waco. We’ve climbed Jacob’s Ladder, walked the river walk and Suspension Bridge, shopped in the Spice Village, laid in the bluebonnets, taken pictures in front of the murals downtown, shopped until we’ve dropped at Central Texas Marketplace and the Richland Mall, but most importantly we’ve eaten some good ole’ Texas home cooking. We’ve done so many fun things together, and I’ve made memories with her that I will cherish for years to come, but my all-time favorite so far was spending Easter with Emily.

wacotownEaster is a time to rejoice in the Lord and His grace, fellowship with friends, and eat a whole bunch of candy with your family. This year my Easter was all that and more because I got to experience it with Emily. We started that Sunday morning with my grandmother’s homemade biscuits and gravy with eggs and bacon. Her biscuits are hard to beat, and before I met Emily I thought it was impossible; but seeing someone take their first bite of their first biscuit ever is a delicacy within itself. Then we went to church, and hearing God’s word is magnificent, especially when worshiping with a friend. After church we visited my friend Lexie Field out at her grandparents’ ranch so that Emily and Lexie’s German exchange partner, Lissi, could ride horses, and celebrate Easter at a classic hamburger/hotdog cookout.

We ate too much and laughed too hard when we were supposed to be quiet while hiding Easter eggs for the little kids to hunt all over the property. We watched the little ones stumble trying to carry baskets full of plastic eggs encasing candy that were almost as big as they were. The grand finale to the perfect Easter day was chasing each other with confetti-filled eggs and cracking them on each other’s heads under the Texas sunset. It took us hours to shake the confetti out of our hair and Sunday dresses, but no love was lost because we had good food, good friends and a good God.

The thing that has touched my heart the most during the time I am spending with Emily is the way she talks about the people of Waco. I loved this city before she came to visit, but now that she’s here I have a different kind of appreciation for my home. When Emily meets someone new, the first thing she says to me after meeting them is, “They were so nice.” And they are. People here don’t talk to you because it’s a “common courtesy”, or the “polite” thing to do. People here will talk to you because they have something to say, and they want you to feel welcome. We’re half a world away from Emily’s home in Sindorf, Germany, but Waco has made her feel at home, and that cannot be said for every town in the country, or even Texas. I can’t wait to visit her in Germany this summer, but I know that nowhere else in the world has a heart the size of Waco’s (though the chocolate in Germany might just make up for it).

Photo of TansyTansy Ackermann is a sophomore at Waco High School, the top of her class and has been on the varsity Mock Trial team for 2 years. She is also an active participant in UIL Cross Examination Debate, and extemporaneous speaking. She enjoys reading and the outdoors, and hopes to attend the University of Texas at Austin and graduate to become a prosecuting attorney.

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.

“Project Link has Impacted my Life Big Time!”

By Daniela Lopez and Ashley Renee Whitlock

According to the Project Link website, “Project Link is a new local program that started in Fall 2015 to help Waco-area high school students, currently at La Vega High School and University High School, and their families in charting a more assured and successful post-secondary journey through intense one-on-one college, career, and financial advising… At the high schools, the Project Link team works to create a college-going culture by developing an environment that recognizes the value of higher education, by building awareness of post-secondary resources, and by nurturing student’s individual college and career aspirations.”  If you have questions about Project Link, feel free to contact Natalie James at [email protected] or at 254-299-8517. In today’s Act Locally Waco blog post two Project Link participants share the positive impact this new program is having on their college aspirations.

Daniela Lopez - 2My name is Daniela Lopez and I am a senior at University High School. I plan to attend McLennan Community College in the Fall and major in Education. I consider myself one of the many lucky students who were chosen to be in this amazing program called Project Link. I met my wonderful Project Link Liaisons back in August and they’ve helped me so much. Project link has impacted my life big time! Before I was in Project Link I felt lost and confused on what to do when the time came around to start planning for college, all I knew was that I needed to go. I didn’t know who to go to for anything that had to do with college and coming from Hispanic parents who didn’t finish school and worked most of their lives, I was pretty much on my own figuring out what to do and when to do it. Being in this program has changed my life. They guide me and help me get all these things accomplished. If I hadn’t been selected I don’t know where I would be right now.  They inspire me to go chase my dreams and work hard for what I want. They inspire me to be a better me.

picture frameBeing a first generation student, having no one in your family with experience attending college or finishing high school, is very hard. I am the youngest of five children and will be the first kid in my family to graduate and go to college. I thank God I have the opportunity to be in Project Link. My amazing Project Link Liaisons have all the information we need for college.  For example, they are helping me complete scholarship applications, write essays and complete Financial Aid paperwork. They have also helped me figure out what I want to major in and what to do in order to get there. They aren’t just my liaisons or my teachers; we have created this amazing bond in Project Link that has made us like a family. We all care about each other, and we all want to see each other succeed. We all love helping each other out and I’m thankful this program has helped me and my classmates have a closer bond with each other.

I am the President of our Project Lead Team and what we do is help our liaisons brainstorm on how we can make Project Link more successful. Being in Project Link has given me a lot of leadership opportunities. I never thought I would get the opportunity to be the President of this amazing team and help a program be even more successful than it already is. I found out I love helping people, especially kids. I want to make a difference in a student’s life one day and make sure they know of all the opportunities they have to have an amazing future. One day I hope to be a great teacher who can inspire and help kids just like Mrs. Davis and Ms. Botello have helped and inspired me.

Ashley Renee Whitlock - 2My name is Ashley Renee Whitlock and I am a senior at La Vega High School where I have been given the opportunity to participate in a new program called Project Link. Ms. Watson, the Project Link Liaison at La Vega High School, has helped me tremendously during my senior year at La Vega High School. She has helped me with all kinds of tasks I needed to do to pursue my degree. She helped me prepare for multiple testing opportunities; she helped me find scholarships and she is pushing me to give my all in everything I do.

Ms. Watson always goes above and beyond when helping not only me but every other La Vega student who is in need of her assistance, skills and input. She is always striving to help every student get to they want to be, not only for college, but for the future beyond college as well. Her office is always open, and she is always ready to answer any questions that come her way.

follow that dreamMy experience with her and with the Project Link Program has always been positive and uplifting. There has yet to be a day when I have failed to accomplish a certain goal with her help. She has hunted down tons of scholarship opportunities and mountains of college information.  She has even hunted down students to find time to work on FASFA, college requirements, etc. She has helped me by reminding me of important deadlines and keeping me updated on all the scholarships that apply to me and my career.  She has helped me apply to multiple colleges and even helped filling out my FASFA in order to pay for college in the Fall of 2016. Project Link as a whole has helped me to have a better understanding of what is expected of me in college and the future in general.  It has also helped me to gain the knowledge that is needed when applying myself in all the many different ways listed above. Ms. Watson has truly made a huge difference in my life and future career path and has always strived to give me the most useful information available.

The fact that Project Link is actually offered to me beyond high school is very comforting, and I truly look forward to experiencing the program through college. I really do feel that the program is extremely beneficial towards not only me but many other students who are in need of the motivation and assistance it takes in order to gain that acceptance letter from not only colleges but scholarships as well.

D and ADaniela Lopez is a senior at University High school.  She is active in the Ready Set Teach Academy of Education and serves in the Educators Credit Union as a teller. Daniela plans to attend McLennan Community College to major in Education. Ashley Renee Whitlock was born and raised in Waco, Texas and is a senior at La Vega High School.  She serves as commanding officer of La Vega High School and is active in NJROTC, CERT, Skills U.S.A., Student Council, Project Link, Orienteering, Academic Team, Yearbook Editor, Photography and Color Guard.  After completing high school this May she will be attending MCC in Fall 2016.

The Act Locally Waco blog publishes posts with a connection to these aspirations for Waco. If you are interested in writing for the Act Locally Waco Blog, please email [email protected] for more information.